Headcanon #3

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Its 7th Year, Lily and James are dating but Lily and Petunia are NOT on good terms. It is Petunia's wedding and of course Lily isn't expecting a wedding invitation but surprisingly, she receives a letter from Petunia. The letter reads:

"Here is a wedding invitation. You may come to the wedding on the terms you bring a plus one who ISNT the Potter boy because people need to think you're normal! I have met him and he is crazy, so please come with someone else."

Reasonably, Lily is angry about this in the first place. She doesn't want to go since she can't take James. But then, she realises this is her sister and its shocking she received an invitation at all so she should probably go to be supportive and polite.  She decides to ask Remus, who knows things about muggles however, he says its a full moon that night so he wouldn't be able to come. At this point, Lily doesn't know what to do. She needs to find a man she can take who can make conversation with muggles, be polite and look like he belongs at a muggle wedding. Sirius is the only other person she could take even though he does not fit any of that criteria. So she takes him and hes actually really well behaved. Honestly, Sirius has the time of his life talking about muggle things with random guests. Petunia loves him because hes (acting) so polite but when she asks Lily why she doesn't hang around him more, she says:

"Oh, because he's usually hanging out with his werewolf boyfriend."

So understandably Petunia is like "His WHAT?"

Credit goes to:
@lwlsn394 on tiktok!

Fanart Owner:

This one was a slightly long one to make up for the last short one but I hope you enjoyed it. As always remember to comment any other headcanons you would like me to add!

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