~Fears of a complicated heart.

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  I thought I used to fear oblivion but what
I really fear is the emptiness after they leave me. Time taught me to not get attached to anyone, but I'll always be there for them, however they need my ears.  I've been throw to the floor. I've been hit, lied, used, people have broke my heart multiple times. But I forgave them. I don't keep hate inside of me. They don't deserve it, even if they meant it that's my point of view. Doesn't matter how much you throw my feelings, my presence away, if one day you need me, don't doubt. Maybe I'm not a saint but I'm trying to be a better person, there's not one day I don't try. Some people asked me how I still can be nice after what I've been through. And I just don't know how to explain. I love to be there for people even though sometimes I can't do anything. But at least I'm showing support, lately people just go and come, that's life  they never attach to me and is okay. I learned to live that way, they've been leaving and then coming back after long, maybe because they don't need me anymore or they don't really think I'm a help or something, which is okay. While I see them moving on I'll be okay. and if they want one day to come back I'll be here with my arms open. If you feel is time, then go and be happy.  Maybe you might think I don't give myself the importance I should but I do, maybe not as much as I give to a lot of people but I do, is my way to be.

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