~A New Day

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         And there's always a new day, a new moment, a new reason to start and smile. Life Is not a stop, life is a journey of experiences, experiences that make who we are today. Why should we stay in our past? There's nothing new, only moments that might never leave but should be a reason to create new ones. If you are looking for answers, look inside yourself. You are more than numbers, more than the skin you wear.
      You are soul, you are the spirit and the need for freedom and love behind your sorrow. You are light.  So just know that you might fall multiple times but that doesn't mean, is the end. Is not the end, because if you are still breathing is because you still have an opportunity to be who you want to be and achieve your dreams/goals.
      Don't give up in the middle of the race, there's so much to live for, to much to explore, to look for. There's always out there that cares for you and if the gray clouds are covering the stars just remember they turn white sooner or later. If you are reading this, I'm glad that you are alive.

If you read this and you feel sad or worthless, don't doubt on messaging me

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