Encounters With Them...

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Cody stepped out of the elevator with a very nervous look to him. He never liked dark places but unfortunately, his new job just so happened to be in such a place. Cody wished he didn't let his mom persuade him to take this job over working with his friends. He crawled down the vent just as Hand-Unit instructed him too and soon found himself in the Primary Control Module.

Hand-Unit told him to look to the left window and explained that an animatronic named Ballora was in Ballora Gallery. Cody turned on the light and didn't see her in there, Hand-Unit told him about how Ballora was supposed to be in there and to use a controlled shock. He begged for her to just come out as he didn't want to shock her, Cody didn't hear anything but when he turned on the light, he was surprised, perhaps relived that Ballora was spinning on her stage. He whispered "Thank you" to Ballora and he turned around, but out of the corner of his eye he could've sworn he saw Ballora smile at him before returning to her dance.

He heard Hand-Unit tell him to check Funtime Auditorium. He checked the light and thankfully, Funtime Foxy was already on his stage, Cody was relived he didn't even need to ask. He started crawling in the Circus Gallery vent until he reached the Circus Gallery Control Module. He checked the light but didn't see her but Hand-Unit said that some of the lights were out but that Circus Baby was there. Cody was happy and he crawled back to the Primary Control Module.

Little did he know, Baby was watching him and was surprised that Cody didn't shock any of her friends,

(Circus Baby) Maybe he will be different...

As Cody got back in the elevator, he couldn't help but feel less nervous about this job. He knew things, like him, were going up and up.     

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