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(Read authors note at the end pls and thanks)

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(Read authors note at the end pls and thanks)

Harper's POV

"Honey think about it..you have so much potential!"

My mom said while cupping my face, I pulled away from her grabbing my granola bar off the counter. I don't have time to listen to her ramble on and on, about how I'm wasting my so called talent.

"I'm heading out."

swinging my bag over my shoulder I made my way out the front door.

"Have a good day!"

I sighed yanking my bike up off the ground, my mom signed me up for singing lessons. The embarrassing thought of singing in front of anyone, other than my shower faucet was traumatizing.

closer to me, baby, I won't bite
you look so tasty, but I won't bite, really
I'm such a good kitty, don't put up fights

A horn honking causing me to jerk my bike to the side of the sidewalk, what the actual fuck. I yanked my ear bud out of my ear glancing towards the car, expecting to see a middle aged Karen. But to my surprise it was a car full of teenagers...yikes.

"Get the fuck out of the road!"

"Oh fuck off.."

I mumbled placing my headphone back in my ear continuing on my way, why do people have to be such dicks?

Billie's POV

"Was that really necessary?"

I asked her glancing back at the girl, I couldn't help but feel bad. She could've seriously gotten hurt, not that Clair cares about anyone other than herself.

"She shouldn't be in the middle of the road."

She obnoxiously said while puffing on her poorly rolled blunt.

"You're such a dick.."

I said laughing slightly, watching as she tossed her bud out the window.

"You still holding those music lessons today?"


I said fidgeting with my rings.

"Maybe I should sign up for my amazing voice"

She said smirking towards me.

"Yea please don't."

I laughed looking out the window.

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