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Harper's POV

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Harper's POV

"I can come with you...if you'd like?" Drew asked as I gathered my belongings into my backpack.

"You would love that wouldn't you?" I joked playfully glaring at her, she laughed watching me shove my notes into my bag before zipping it.

"Oh come on you know id only be there to support you!"

I swung my bag over my shoulder checking the time, shit I need to get to the music hall in ten minutes.

"I'll be fine...I'd rather not be your laughingstock."

"At least text me after? Maybe we can get some comfort froyo?"

I laughed nodding as I started walking towards the music hall.

"Is that a yes!?"

She yelled following after me.

"Yes now leave"

"Nope im now walking you to the music hall.." she said trying to keep pace with me.

"You aren't staying." I glanced at her seeing a smile fighting it's way on her face.

"Nope...just walking you to the music hall.." she hummed.

Billie's POV

"Clair you really don't need to stay here.." she looked at me pulling a chair out sitting in it.

"I want to watch." I sighed leaning against the wall, people will be arriving any minute and I'm nervous as fuck to say the least.

"What's wrong love bug?" I couldn't help but cringe at the ridiculous nickname she gave me from the sixth grade.

"Just nervous.." I responded anxiously watching the clock.

"No reason to be nervous, you have one of the most amazing voices..in this whole school." she paused giving me a reassuring smile before continuing.

"Anyone would be lucky to have a vocal lesson with you.." it wasn't often Clair showed her caring loving side, but when her soft side shows it shines.

"Thank you.." I smiled releasing a heavy breath as the door swung open.

"You're not staying!" I heard someone snap the voice sounded familiar..

"Only for a little while! Come on please..." well I knew that voice from anywhere, they made their way inside.

"Heyyyyyy bil"

"Hey Drew.." I laughed waving at her, Harper remained silent awkwardly looking around.

"You look really familiar." Clair said as she stared at Harper.

"Well I'd hope so considering you tried running me off the road." Harper snapped looking at her.

"So you're the bitch that was riding the bike." Clair laughed looking at me.

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