In Regards to "I'm Shipping the Characters, not the Admins",

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Discussion of CP, trauma, etc.

This is probably going to be a shorter chapter than most because I don't have as much to say on the topic.
It's just something that has been used as an excuse for fanfic writers to fall back on when faced with the severity of their actions.  Something that has been bothering me.

Yes, you are shipping the admins just as much as you are the characters. 
If the admins truly didn't see themselves as, at some level, being those characters, they would not feel uncomfortable to the point where they would have to make literal rules and statements regarding/disapproving shipping them together.
Do you really think that, if they didn't identify with those characters, they would feel uncomfortable when reading multiple chapter books all about their fictional romances with eachother?

Those are people they work with, and in some cases, people they call friends.  Would you really like to read a whole storybook all about how you got it on with your best friend?
No, I don't think so. 

It's gross, it's weird, and it's sickening. 

People have been banned and blacklisted from the official Discord server because they've endorsed shipping these characters.  Because they've shipped them themselves. 
You really think that if this behavior was OK and tolerated by the Ops, the administrative team, the members of the server in general - that such lengths would be taken to make sure the server was devoid of this content? 

To address another excuse I've seen being made -
"The admins are bad people, so why should I respect what makes them uncomfortable?"

You people are relentless.  I dont know whether to be disgusted or impressed.
The fact that you have to hide behind the wrong-doings of others just to poorly justify your own is stupid, immature.
You cannot own up to your mistakes so instead you grasp at straws, desperately trying to find excuses to use instead of apologizing. 

Yes, I am aware some of the admins are bad people.  In fact, I'd know that more than almost anyone else.  More than the people who are using this excuse. 
You think it's okay to take shit that has left people with trauma and turn it into another reason to write your fucking roblox myth smut?  No.  Absolutely not. 

They are still people, regardless of the stuff they've done.  Them being shitstains of humans does not make it any less wrong to write NSFW fanfictions about them. 
They have feelings, thoughts, emotions - just like you or I. 

If you use their mistakes as reasons to validate your works of literal CP, you are no better than they are. 

You're taking horrible actions that have hurt countless people - people closest to me - and twisting it solely so it can support your gross fanfics.  This is heinous behavior.  The fact that some people are willing to use this as an excuse makes me want to hurl. 
It isn't impossible to just come out to apologize and mean it

It isn't too late to wisen up and approach this situation with genuine level-headedness and the desire to improve. 
It isn't too late to stop using excuses and say that you're sorry, and mean it.

End of story.

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