Chapter two

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 You are all walking into the great hall with all the first years feeling a bit embarrassed as you are the only fourth year. As you walk further into the hall you decide to try looking for Oliver, Cedric and the twins. You can't find them anywhere but you hope that when you get sorted you'll spot them.

"Before I start sorting the first years, we have a new fourth year I would like to sort first. Y/n Lily Snape." Professor McGonagall then said with confusion not knowing that she was joining this year. You could start to hear everyone around whispering to each other saying stuff like, "When did Snape have a daughter", "Bet you shell be Slytherin", and "She's going to be evil like her father." You just look at them with a smirk and go sit on the seat to get sorted. Professor McGonagall then places the sorting hat on your head. With great confidence, the hat says"Slytherin." With confidence, you stand up and walk over to the Slytherin table sitting across from what seemed to be Draco Malfoy, you don't say anything and don't look at the road he's on. 

"ah if it isn't Snape's daughter, he's told me all about you, just didn't tell me how stunning you are." Malfoy said. "and you must be Malfoy, well I hope some of your mates are more handsome than you." you say sarcastically. Draco looked at you in embarrassment before saying, "You're very funny aren't you."  you quickly answered. "Get it from my father, talking about him here he comes."  Snape slowly walks down not knowing what to say as he hasn't seen you in years. Before he had the chance to say anything you stand up and walk into his arms giving him a tight hug before saying. "I've missed you so much, Dad." " I've missed you too kiddo." You just hug him again before sitting back down.

Dumbledore then stands up saying "Let the feast begin." Then everything starts to appear on the table. You are surprised and don't know where to start as you are not that hungry. So you started putting things on your plate. "Everything okay love." Malfoy then asked. "I'm fine thanks," you say before starting to eat.  Shortly after the twins and Oliver come up to you. Before anyone else could say anything Oliver asked you if you wanted to get a tour of the school and of course, you said yes. While you and Oliver are on a walk around the school you are talking about your muggle life. "so then what's your muggle life, you know." Oliver then asks to hope you know what he means. You do know what he's going on about. "oh nothing much bit boring." Oliver doesn't say anything. 

You are approaching the Slytherin common room before Oliver says. "Have I told you how beautiful you are?"  You don't know what to say as you are just standing still blushing. "Em no but thank you, Guess this is the finish of the tour." Oliver just looks at you. " Ye I guess it is, I'll see you tomorrow though right?" You hug Oliver before heading into the common room. 

You are now in the common room walking to your dorm before someone stops you. "you must be Y/n Snape, I'm Blaise Zabini, Draco told me about you." "oh well, you are one of his handsome mates." You just smirk at him before heading away. Blaise had no idea what you were going on about so when Draco came In he asked him, obviously, Draco doesn't want to tell him as he's still quite embarrassed about it but tells Blaise anyway.

It was the next morning and you were just about to head for breakfast before someone stopped you. " So I've heard you have met Blaise," Draco says while just standing there. "Yes and so what just because I have met him doesn't mean I'm going to be shagging him next, I have my eyes on someone else anyways, Now goodbye."You walk away leaving Draco speechless. You are walking to the great hall not even hungry so you decide to for a walk into the forbidden forest even though Oliver said not to, especially alone. You being the badass you are decide to go alone, anyway. what could be so scary anyway? You get to Hagrid's hut, You peek your head up by the window making sure he wasn't in, before heading into the forest. 

You have been walking for a good half an hour now, and are pretty far into the forest now and you start wondering why it was starting getting dark when it was still morning time. "What are you doing in here, you shouldn't be here especially alone." a strange voice says. You don't say anything and start running back to the castle but you get lost. "Oh great why did I come in here, why didn't I just listen." You say to yourself, but then you see a giant, not a giant you know, taller than normal height and decide to walk closer. "Y/n what are you doing here." the person says. "Hagrid, oh no." You say. Hagrid just stands there giving you a disappointed look. "You should know Y/n, you aren't meant to be here." You just stand there a look at him before saying anything. "Aw don't worry I'll take you back to the castle, you've missed two classes already from being in here."

You and Hagrid are walking back to the school. "do you know what class you have y/n?" Hagrid asked. "I've got my father's class if I've missed two classes." Hagrid just looks at you. "well let's just hope he doesn't kill you, he doesn't like people being late." "Hagrid I don't think my father will kill me for being late, I'm his daughter." You say hoping he won't kill you. By this time you are almost at Snape's class. "wish me luck Hagrid, if I don't see you tomorrow plan my funeral."

As you walk in your father just stares at you. "detention for the rest of the week y/n, as you haven't shown up to any of your classes today, except this one." you don't say anything and go sit in the spare seat listening to your father giving out instruction, which you aren't listening to. Once he finishes he comes over to you and looks in the other direction. " look Y/n I'm sorry but if I didn't everyone would think it's cause you're my daughter." You just look at him not saying anything. 

A few hours later you are walking about the outside of the school. You get to this beautiful lake. "And you must be the black lake." You sit at the lake until it gets dark. You head back to the castle and bump into Hagrid. "Y/n there you are, everyone, has been looking for you," Hargid says. "well clearly no one looked hard enough," you say. You walk away. Once you get back to the castle you bump into Oliver. "y/n!" Oliver says in excitement. "hey Oliver, you okay?" I answer. Oliver answers " I'm great Y/n, I'm happy you're back." You and liver just smile at each other.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2023 ⏰

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