Chapter 3

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Throughout the next few days Alex learnt a lot about who her parents were and where she's from. Søren spent most of the time in his study, poking his head out here and there, he had still not told Alex any details of how they were moving forward.

Søren's P.O.V.

Søren sat at his desk in his study in between phone calls, he was expecting a phone call from Princess Arabella any minute now. He couldn't believe this was happening so soon, Alex was supposed to have another 2 years, then the phone rang, he answered it.

"Hello your highness, I trust your doing well."

"I'm well it's my mother I'm worried about." replied Princess Arabella.

"Why wasn't I given a heads up that they were coming? I'm supposed to be kept updated once a month."

"I know and I'm sorry about that, how did she take the news?"

"Quite well actually, I expected her to take it a little worse."

"How does Alex feel about her situation."

"Honestly at the moment she's very doubtful, in her mind she is very far from a princess, she's a pretty big tomboy, kind of like someone I know."

They both laughed at that, because when Arabella was younger she was also a tomboy. "Well she will soon realize that being a princess isn't about tomboys or girly girls, she'll see that it's way beyond that."

We talked for a little more, until I heard the front door open, it was now time to fill

Søren came out of his study just as Alex was coming home with Danny in tow. "Good your home, we need to talk, both of you."

Alex dropped her bag at the foot of the stairs and went to go sit on the couch, Danny following. Once they were both seated Søren began.

"I have the main details finalized, but we need to sort out the little ones."

"Like what?"

"Well you have to go back to Denmark after this school year, and since it's the beginning of April that leaves us 3 months."

"What happens to my life here what happens to 12th grade, what happens with me and Danny? Do I even have a choice in the matter?"

"Listen Alex, your parents sent you to live here with the intention that you would go back to rule, if you don't go back bad people will take over and destroy what your family has built."

Alex shifted and looked at the floor, Søren went on "Now about 12th grade you can take an online course in Denmark, your life will completely change. it won't be easy but I will be there every step of the way, and so will Danny."

At this Alex's head shot up "What, how?"

"Søren has talked to my parents, and me, and I have decided to go with you to become your personal assistant and body guard, like Søren was for your parents." Said Danny with a smile on his face.

At those words Alex relaxed a little bit at least she would have Danny.

"Your training will start, and I can't stress this enough, you must not tell anybody your princess Alexandra." Søren said with a very serious face.

So that was settled she had no say in the matter. Alex stood up and said, "I need to be alone with my thoughts, I'm going to the skate park." Danny immediately stood up "I'm coming with you." "That's smart said Søren, Alex, from now on you need to be careful, and I want Danny to watch you." And with that Alex and Danny walked out of the house.
Thanx for reading this far, and I hope your minding my mistakes

Up top is a picture of Alex's parents and a video of them.

Danny is so close to Alex that he's willing to go with her to protect her, let me clarify now, he's not going to become her love interest, they are going to stay as close as brother and sister.

Once again thanx for reading ❤️👑❤️

Me, Myself, and Princess?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora