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TW - Death, drowning


(Y/n) collapsed on to her knees and sobbed, her head resting in her hands. She had tried to be strong, to not let it bother her, but he was gone. Actually gone. Not just as if he wasn't minding her anymore. But...dead. 

She was one of a few people at the funeral, they didn't seem disoriented. They merely showed up out of courtesy.

Alastor was dead. (Y/n)'s childhood friend. She removed her hands from her face and her reddened eyes stared down at her simple black dress. The egde was covered in dirt along with her black slip-ons. Why was she crying? Why did she still care? After they left school, Alastor became cold toward her. Especially after she found what he was hiding...

(Y/n) shook her head at herself. Because despite all of that, she loved him. 

(Y/n) lifted her head. The few people who had been there had since left. She stood and slowly, putting one foot in front of the other, crept toward the coffin. (Y/n) reached her destination and slowly brought herself to look at him. She slowly covered her mouth to mute her gasp and tears once again streamed down her face. She looked away, not able to absorb anything other than how pale he looked. He looked pale enough when he was alive, but now he was so drained of blood his face looked grey.  

(Y/n) spun on her heel and ran, her tears and hair whipped in the wind that stung her eyes. Dark clouds thundered above her, threatening to dump rain on her. Where was she running? She didn't care, anywhere but there. Her heart pounded in her head. Her vision grew spotted.

What are you doing here?!

You weren't supposed to see this!

You can't tell anyone...

His voice echoed in her head. Memories returned. The rain poured, soaking her in a matter of seconds. (Y/n) kept running. She felt wood creaking beneath her feet. It gave way, plummeting her in the the water. Her vision returned and (Y/n) looked back at the bridge that dumped her into the rushing river. She struggled to swim, her dress and shoes dragging her down. She ducked in the water to remove her shoes and surfaced again. She gasped desperately for air as she thrashed in the water, attempting to swim. She hadn't ever swam in water this deep, going this fast. Her limbs felt heavy, like anchors begging for her to give up and let them sink. She obliged, not able to resist anymore.

One more voice crept in her memory as her eyes fluttered closed.

I don't want to kill you too...

'You didn't get the chance.'

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