The beginning

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 Another night; I couldn't sleep. I stopped smoking and picked up the habit of drinking. Anything that would get me through the night. I haven't slept correctly in so long... I thought to myself, what could make me go to sleep. What could help me? I went to my bathroom and looked inside the cabinet. The only thing I saw was the medication. I was not sick, but I needed to get some sleep. So, I titled my head back and took a shot of the medicine. I then went back to my bed and laid down. My whole body went numb. I soon found myself asleep. The day was long and hard. I was working long hours on my shift and trying to catch up on my classes. Learning to balance my life with other ideas is pretty hard. Even though that is the perfect way of adulting, I worked for the law  most days I was in the office. A cube, a cube is what it is. Day in and day out, I was inside that office doing tedious tasks. Small cases that made the office run smoothly, I guess you can say that made the company run.

Now, I am at home, trying  to sleep. Why I have so much trouble falling asleep? My mind is always racing. Oh, why is that? Now inside my apartment, I turn on the TV. I have to have the TV on; it is like white noise, white noise that helps me fall asleep faster and easier. Soon after, I feel myself dozing off, and I was sound asleep. It was a deep, deep sleep. Oh, how I have wanted this for so long.

I awoke. Found me in this dark, dark space; it looked like a room. I heard a noise, a loud roaring noise; what was it? I found myself walking towards the steps outside of my apartment and then walking into the basement. It was a cold and windy night, which is not typical for a day in LA. It was always sunny, and the flowers and trees are so shady. My dreams suddenly shifted, and I knew that I was dreaming, but my ideas and thoughts were taking me. Where was it going to lead me? Now, in a different scenery. I awake from these decisions, and I got ready for work.

In the office, in the cube, I am ready to go on my lunch. Just get my thoughts to myself. After eating my sandwich and chips, I go inside the stairwells; it is where I could gather my thoughts. It was like silence, silence from the world and the simple commands. I took a long walk to one of my favorite stairwells inside the building. The case is getting the best of me, and why is this piece of work bothering me. As I slowly walked in the stairs, I finally reached them; I sit down. I think about all the things that have happened today. I sit on a stair, in the middle and of the staircase, section B. I place my hands on the middle of my face and stare. As I sat there, I heard them; I listened to an awful scorching sound; it's faint, but I know it's there. It was down; it was down there at the bottom. Was I going to investigate?

Hell no, then I heard a crack, the door crack. Voices I listen to Voices! They are coming. Something Is coming. Silence! Stop being so afraid, I tell myself. I then hear the door crack; what was coming. What was coming inside of that door? Still calm and didn't say a word or do anything. The sensors went off. But the screeching noise did not stop; it seemed like it would never go away. I step up from the step that I was sitting on, and see if the screeching is coming from; I walk down the flight of stairs. There is a vent; I squat down close to it. I heard the screeching faintly by the vent as I look down the stairwell, blurry but clear view: nothing, no one coming in the doors, no one coming in or going out. I then wonder what did I hear.

But for sure, I am the only one inside of the stairwell. I sit down quietly. I drop my phone on the ground. I slowly picked it up from the cracked cement ground. Quickly, I gather my anxiety not to make any more moves. It was gone. Standing in a paralyzed position for fifteen minutes, nothing. The noise screeching noise was gone. Someone was inside the stairwell with me, and I didn't know where level they were on. Sitting down, I am lost for words. Did I hear things? Again, the sensors dem inside of the stairwells. My heart was still beating fast, and the rush to run wouldn't go away. But there is no one in the stairwells, right! Right! I look down at the scissor stairwell case.

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