Like Clockwork

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It was like clockwork, getting ready to head into work and doing the same shit over and over again. Dam, did I ever need a vacation? It was now and soon. I got up from my bed, prompted on one of my many pillows. I am gracefully gazing on social media. Man, does this thing take up so much of my time, as well as anyone else. Somehow, social media is the new hip in recent years, and everyone is stuck on it. It is like a dam drug. The incredible thing about social media is that news travels fast. Fake news and real news. Oh, the dam, just what I wanted to see. Channel 15, covering the missing women's cases, as if I need another reminder on how I haven't made any progress. I close my eyes tight; well, let me start my day. I get up, make my bed, and then clean my apartment a little. Whatever I don't finish, I will clean tomorrow. Take a shower and brush my teeth. Do my hair; you know the usual things. I finally wake up early enough to make some coffee, which is great because I need it. I pack my lunch and finish getting dressed.

As I walked to my car, I started to have flashbacks last night. I walked quickly to my apartment and left work  frightened. Now I have to go back to this place again. I should have just called in a sick day. But it wouldn't help; I mean, I would have to go back to the place the day after. If there is something at the job, I can't keep running from it. I would have to face it, whatever it is. The problem is, I don't know exactly what that thing was. As I am coming into work,Bronni approaches me. Did you see the news? Yes, I saw the news. Let me guess, Daniel isn't too happy about the news covering our cases? You are right, well, the unsolved cases.

You know he expects us to be on top of things. Which we are, I told Bronni . But we also need rest; I mean, we have been working these cases day and night. Yeah, you look tired, he said. You have some bags under those eyes. I gave him a playful smack on the arm, but knowing Bronni, he would not lie to me. I told him I hadn't been sleeping well these past days. It's the case; maybe you need a break. Sometimes, well, Kasey, you let the cases get to you, and you also take them home with you sometimes. Not even Daniel does that, and he is our boss. Rest and leave work where it is at work. You are right,Bronni. Okay, since today is our Friday, the weekend would be my self-care weekend. Glad to hear it, because it is needed for you.

Yeah, I know. I got a bagel and sat at the desk. I didn't even look at the cases or emails yet. I just sat down and looked at a blank screen. My eyes wandered around the office. Hmmm, fuck I can't think. My mind was too foggy and distant. My mind wasn't even on the cases; it was everywhere but the cases. Why couldn't I focus? I just positioned myself at the desk and started to think. Wow-what is with the look lady gray? I knew that voice too well, Sin. Let me guess who pissed you off? "You are always angry, Grrr, Lady gray Grrr." Sin, please, I was just in deep thought, and sometimes that is how I look. Nothing more, nothing less. Right, right. Welp, I guess ill leave you to your deep place of thought. Sin always thinks he knows people and thinks he can read people; it was a pain to work with someone like this. But as years go on, you get used to it.

It is a fun crew to work with when I think about it. In a joking manner I rolled my eyes, thinking about all this, and smiled for a bit, chuckling even because some of my colleagues here are super fun to be around, even the annoying ones, they give this place a razzle-dazzle. Daniel peaks out of his office and says, " We have a team meeting in about five minutes; I need everyone in the meeting room." I rush to the coffee pot and grab myself a fresh cup. I head over to the meeting room. Bronni is already here, ready to take notes. I can barely even put my mind together to keep the focus on work. Hi everyone, as you may know why I called you to this meeting, we haven't made any real progress in the cases. Women are going missing, and it is becoming more and more common in the sector that we are responsible for. I know it is hard to break the ice with some of these cases; that is why I have decided to set you up with a squad. This will consist of three or four people. Of course, the sector leaders will be the ones who were on these cases originally. Well, that automatically means that I am going to be a sector leader. What are the odds? I thought to myself. I have already picked out your groups in this packet. Thank you for your time. Wow, Daniel gives a good speech. He then left out of the room.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25 ⏰

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