Chapter 8: The Wandering Princes

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(mature warning ahead, I think.  Also, I am just getting back from my lack-of-motivation break so this may be crappy)

Life was hard for the three former princes, the first thing they did was head to the village that Derogan mentioned to get him medical care.  They were fortunate that the townsfolk were kind enough to help them and even offered for them to stay, but the princes knew that it was dangerous to stay within the country border of Mandoria, so they only stayed until Derogan was healed.  

The villagers did send them off with three horses, enough provisions to last a week, and some money so things didn't seem too bad at first, but after they crossed the Mandorian border is when their luck turned for the worst.  Because the three were former princes, it was common for them to be attacked by road thieves, and even though they were able to run from or fight off most of them, there were times where they had to give up most of the belongings they managed to gather.  Another problem was finding places to stay, unlike with the Mandorian village, most of the towns they happened upon were quick to drive them out, because when three strange people wearing royal attire ride into your town, it usually isn't a good thing.

For the most part, the princes would just wander from place to place looking for the capital of whatever country they happened to be in, they knew that the resident countryhuman would be there so they hoped to ask for safe refuge from them.  Unfortunately, 18th-century countryhumans were very paranoid so they would often think the princes were trying to dethrone them, even when the three would explain their situation they usually had to high-tail it out of the capital lest they be executed for trespassing.

Despite their hardships, Mandara and Derogan grew very close to Deutsche, he was helpful and knew how to get them out of tough situations, he also taught them all he knew about survival and never got angry with them when they didn't know what to do.  The princes' relationship reached the point that the Mandorians considered him like a brother.  Well, Derogan considered him a brother, Mandara felt a little differently towards their German friend.  

It all started when the three were camping near a river and one morning Mandara went over with the intent to refill their waterskins, but was stopped in his tracks when he saw Deutsche bathing in it.  Now, being gay in Mandoria wasn't looked down upon like in most countries but Mandara knew it was safer to hide his feelings because he would without a doubt be scrutinized for it, but when he saw Deutsche in the river he couldn't deny it anymore.  Unfortunately for him, Deutsche felt someone watching him and turned to the Mandorian.

They both let out the girliest screams two grown men could make.

"MANDARA, WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!!!" Deutsche screamed as he dove for a large boulder at the river's edge.

"I'M SORRY!" Mandara screamed back from behind his feathers, "I was coming to fill the waterskins, I didn't know you were here!"

"How long have you been standing there?!" the german asked, reaching for his clothes.

"Not long, but it was long enough to-" Mandara trailed away as he realized what his mouth was saying, he then quickly bolted up and ran away, leaving Deutsche confused at the flustered tone in Mandara's voice.

After that day, Mandara couldn't look at Deutsche the same way, it was common for him to stare for long periods of time with a small blush on his face, which would grow brighter if he was caught.  While Derogan remained oblivious to his brother's change in behavior towards Deutsche, the German knew exactly what was going on, but he didn't know what to do about it.  Back in his home, it was extremely forbidden for a man to love another man so Deutsche had to pretend to like the girls that Prussia would force him to spend time with, even though he was not into them.  He didn't know if he was into Mandara, sure the Mandorian was kind, sweet, and maybe a little innocent in a way, but Deutsche never could find himself to trust anyone beyond a friendship, because those he did had broken his heart several times over.  For the most part, the two kept their feelings for each other buttoned up and focused on just getting by in life.  

As the weeks turned to months and months to years, the princes had traveled all across Europe several times over before they eventually found themselves in the country of Greece.  All the countries they asked for sanctuary had turned them away so they really hoped this would be their lucky break.  When they arrived in Athens they were stopped by a few officers and were ordered to state their business, Deutsche said the same thing he did in Mandoria and asked to speak to the person in charge, the officers agreed to take them to him.

The three were brought to a palace where Ottoman Greece was training his young son, Graecia.

"Sir Greece, we have found these foreigners at the edge of the city, they claim to be princes of Prussia and Mandoria," one of the officers announced.

Greece turned to the group with a surprised look on his face.  The last time he saw the Mandorian brothers was when King Mandoria had summoned him to his kingdom for help with Prussia.  Being a winged kingdom, he knew about Mandoria's defeat and Prussia's claim to the title of King Wing, but Prussia said he killed the brothers along with their father so he was shocked to see them in his country, especially with Prussia's former prince.

"Derogan, Mandara, is that you?" Greece asked as he walked towards them.  

The brothers glanced at each other with questioning expressions, they have only ever seen Ottoman Greece once or twice when they were kids so they didn't remember him.  Derogan turned back to Greece, "you know us?"

"I do," Greece answered when he was face to face with them, "I was part of your father's court many years ago, you two were still little last time I saw you, my how you both have grown."

"Uh ... thanks," Mandara said in slight confusion, but shook it off and got straight to the point, "since you knew father, I guess you know what happened?"

Greece's face fell and his wings sagged, "yes I do," he said, "when a King Wing dies, all winged countries gather to bury him and to crown the new King Wing, we were all concerned that you and your brother did not attend your father's funeral, then Prussia claimed that he killed you both," - he then pointed to Deutsche - "and him."

The princes were quite shocked to hear that explanation, Prussia told everyone that he killed the sons of Mandoria and his own son, how heartless could someone possibly get?

"H-he said he killed me?" Deutsche asked in disbelief, Greece merely nodded.  After the shock wore off, Deutsche's fist clenched and his eyes filled with hatred, "I am going to kill that motherfucker!" he screamed, then begun to stomp away.

Mandara ran in front of him, "are you mad Deutsche, you can't take him on by yourself, you saw what he did to father."

Deutsche growled at Mandara, "get out of my way Mandara, I need to teach that bitch a lesson."

The German shouldered his way past Mandara and tried to keep going but Mandara hugged him tightly from behind to stop him, "please don't go Deutsche, your the only person left who cares about us and I don't want you to leave too, so please stay, please."

Deutsche was quite surprised by Mandara's words, he didn't think the brothers felt so strongly about him, sure he knew that Mandara had a crush on him but he thought it was a temporary thing.  He looked towards Derogan and saw the same pleading look in his eyes, silently begging him to stay as well.  The two Greeks looked on with interest, wondering what happened between the Mandorian princes and the son of the empire who killed their father.

After a moment of silence Deutsche sighed, "fine, I won't leave ... yet."

Mandara breathed out in relief, "thank you Deutsche."  

The German just hummed and patted the arms around his torso comfortingly.  The Mandorian let go and the two rejoined Derogan and the Greeks.  The five of them chatted about the princes' situation and Ottoman Greece permited them to stay on the conditions that they had to earn a living like normal people and they couldn't leave the country of Greece, the three were fine with that, they had seen enough of the road to last them a lifetime.  With the conditions understood and agreed to, Greece had Graecia show their guests to their rooms, and with that, the three exiled princes finally had a place to stay for the rest of their banishment. 

(I again apologize for the crappy chapter, motivation is really hard to come by now-a-days)

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