Surprises! Part 1

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Reminder:Give shout out to @JasmineLee640

When I woke up this morning I did not expect to be in a car heading to Alec Ryder's house.Are you confused? So am I. Let me tell you as much as I know.

I woke up this morning, ate breakfast, brushed my teeth then went to watch TV. My mom was at work and she usually called to check up on us.When she called she said for me to do my bed,(which I clearly forgot), and to be dressed and ready by 2 o'clock. When I asked why,her simple and crushing answer was that I was going to Alec's house to babysit his two cousins.At that I went insane.I asked why and she said that she'd agreed for me to babysit them for Marissabecause her and Daniel would be at work.After that she hung up.

So now I am in the car with my brother driving me to Alex freaking Ryder's house!We had just gotten in the car and nearly two minutes later I was at Alec's house.Wow! He cannot live so close!This is not possible! Alex probably already new and figured it put when he came to my house yesterday.That little twerp!

I am standing outside the house and as I hear my brother pull away I look at the house.Taking everything in.It's a little bigger than mine but I feel like it holds way more than you'd think.

I walk up the stairs and knock on the door.Just as I'm about to knock again I hear shuffling on the other side.I wait and hear Marissa say 'please don't play with that'.Looks like I have mini troublemakers today.I see Marissa open the door and she is in a business suit.Wait...what?Then I realize Alec never told me what his mom does.

As soon as she sees me she smiles and pulls me in for a hug.Okay then!

"Oh my god.Thank you so much Dorathy for helping us out.Alec can't take care if the kids by himself and he has a lot of work on his own.Daniel and I need to got to work today.We're sorry to pull you away from break but we needed the help." She says in a quick tone.

"No problem at all.I'm glad to help."

At that she smiled brightly again.Dang this women can smile.I walk into the house and am instantly absorbed in heat.It had already snowed and there was about a foot of snow. It was freezing outside and once I was inside I couldn't be happier.I took my coat off and put it on the hook in the entrance then followed Marissa into the living room.

"This is where the kids will be the whole day.There's food in the fridge if they hungry, so you don't have to cook.Oh, and also right now they are doing homework so could you help them if they need it?" She said almost desperately

"Of course." I said with a smile

"Thank you so much.This means a lot to us." She says as I nod.

I headed into the living room fully and saw two little kids.Dan, the little boy from yesterday, and a little girl that's probably older than him.They both turn their heads when they hear Marissa and I enter the room.Marissa introduces us and I find out that the little girls name is Emily.Oh my god it's Emily.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2015 ⏰

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