Meeting His Family For the First Time (cake)

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You and Luke had been dating for about 6 months now and you still hadn't gotten a chance to meet his family. For Luke's birthday, he suggested that you guys all finally met. Of course you agreed and instantly began trying to figure out what outfit to wear.
(On Luke's Birthday)
As you neared the club that Luke was having his little birthday celebration at, you could feel the vibrations from the loud music and you began to get really excited, but also nervous because you were meeting his family and you were worried about what they would think of you.
When you opened the doors, the crowd all gasped and stared at you as you made your way down the stairs and over to Luke. Everyone was watching your every move, but you didn't feel self conscious because this was Luke's favorite outfit on you.
After a while, you heard Luke arguing with some woman, probably his mother.
"I don't care, I still love her!" You heard Luke say.
"I understand, but I just don't think it's right for her to show up to your birthday party nude. It's completely inappropriate." His mother grumbled back.
"Well, if y/n is nude, then so am I!" Luke yelled as she ripped off his clothing and you two began fornicating in the middle of the club. That made for a memorable celebration.

Being on tour with Calum and his band was obviously extremely fun and full of amazing experiences, but you were also ready to just settle down and not be surrounded by a ton of screaming girls for a while. Calum told you on the last day of tour, that he wanted you to meet his sister for the first time. You were extremely nervous because he always talked about her with such admiration and she was very beautiful from the pictures you'd seen her in and you wanted to impress her.
Calum saw how nervous you were and he wanted to to feel comfortable so he told you to just dress any way you wanted.
It was about 20 minutes before you two were to meet Calum's sister, but you still weren't ready. Calum kept calling to you from outside the bathroom the short amount of time you had before you had to be there. When it was past the time you were supposed to meet her, Calum just marched in the bathroom and dragged you out, setting you down in the car. He never had a minute to look at you but when he finally slowed down, he noticed that you were dressed head to toe as George Washington, complete with the wig. You spent the entire night impersonating ole George and you were pretty sure Mali appreciated it as much as you did.

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