Michael Playing with your Hair

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You sink into the couch you head on Mikey's chest. You let out a sigh hoping Michael will get the hint. Rolling his eyes Michael says, "Is your something wrong?" You nod tears brimming in your eyes. You open your mouth to say what was when something unusual happens; Michael starts to play with your hair. You smile and let him continue he never does this so why not enjoy it. After a couple of minutes you feel a burning sensation on the tip of your head. "Ow Michael that hurts," you say tears brimming in your eyes from the pain. Michael lets out an exaggerated sigh and quickly brings a sharp knife across your hairline pulling the skin up as he goes along. "You wanna know what Y/N beauty hurts. And I need hair, " He says his voice cracking, "my hair is going to graduate before I ever will. And you just have such thick and pretty hair and ugly people like you don't deserve pretty things so I'm taking your hair." You sit up stunned by him calling you ugly. "You think I'm ugly?!!" You exclaim enraged. Michael sassily nods as he plucks his three remaining strands of hair of his now shiny head then puts on your scalp. You start to cry watching him arrange your hair into an extremely emo fringe. "God, Y/N you cry all the time and I'm getting sick of it." He then pulls out a canister of salt and sprinkles it in your tear ducts laughing as they shrivel up like raisins. "Well my work here is done," He wipes your scalp blood on your white pillows before skipping out of your house to brag to Harry about how he has the longest hair. But a gust of wind sweeps across the neighborhood causing his new weave to leave. Michael drops to the ground and lets out a cry, "NOOOOO!" You hobble out to the front door when Michael turns around and gives you the rapist sloth look. He sprints towards you and pins you to the ground. "Good thing it's Octobeard." He laughs as he grabs your long beard (I never said you were attractive) and pulls your abnormally stretchy skin down slicing through it. "I guess a mohawk will have to do." He sighs as he stretches your chin skin around his bald cranium securing it with tape. "We'll this has been a hair-raising day, " He starts to laugh so hard at his joke that he falls over and stabs you in the stomach letting your stomachular acid flow through your body's bloody crevice and burn through Michael's new 'do. Michael sits up inraged. "GOD Y/N YOU JUST HAVE TO RUIN EVERYTHING FOR ME HUH?? BEAUTY HURTS BUT NOT AS MUCH AS YOUR UNWILLINGNESS TO ME BEING HAPPY. I'M BREAKING UP WITH YOU. I THOUGHT YOU WERE THE KIND OF PERSON WHO WOULD LET THE PERSON THEY LOVE SCALP THEM IF THEY REALLY NEEDED IT BUT CLEARLY NOT. " He spins around before karate kicking you into your kitchen counter which gets stuck in your stomachular crevice before leaving your home.

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