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So at the beginning I mentioned taking requests, so basically I'm going to tell a simple description on what Is going to happen in the next chapter, you can also read the description and see the general plot there, and then you guys write your own adaptation of the chapter, AS LONG AS THERE IS NOTHING INAPPROPRIATE OR GORE, AND NO SWEARING PLEASE!!! also if there are sensitive topics I do not want them in there either, I'm good with trickles of blood, bruises, broken bones and painful exposure to the elements, scars, cuts, and occasional stabbing are also allowed, you can have death scenes , just try not to take it to far, feel free to replace curse words with stuff like freaking, heck, darn extra. you can send this to
me on my Instagram @Pastel_pink_animations,  I select my favourite chapter and post it on here (don't worry I'll give credit )

And don't hesitate to alter and adapt the prompt, put dark twist and stuff if you feel like it I don't care! I'm excited to see where you guys take it! I really wanted to do a choose your own adventure thing. Ok so I rewrite this part of the guid page, because last time I was leaning wayyyyy to much on the fact that I wanted gore and torture, when someone reads this, I DO NOT WANT THEM TO COME OUT TRAUMATIZED you can add suspenseful and sad moments as well as death, as long as it sticks within the boundaries we placed earlier, not to gory, sad or filled sensitive topics! So the first chapter is going to introduce the letter, Jesse and Lukas's friendship and will end on Jesse telling Lukas about his concerns about the letter, there will be no intense romance yet maybe a bit of friendly flirting. That's all, thanks for reading and participating! can wait for your entrees!

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