End? (3)

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Darkness ... total Darkness surrounded him... he could still hear Tubbos scream in the distance , he figured it said „Ranboo are you alright?!" Instant regret hit him ....did...did he really give up..? No this cant be happning.... he surely didnt give up right?
-giving up already..?- he Heard that thing again
-no.... no bring me back....
-fine... its your last chanse , if you give up once more... im killing him...
Ranboo froze , feeling that the Darkness began to turn into the green grass...kill him? No he would not hurt Tubbo nor Micheal..right? He kept thinking until Tubbo spoke
-Ranboo are you okay..?
-Hm..? Yeah...
Tubbo wasnt sure about the answer he got, he was worried for Ranboo, he didnt know why did the half-enderman faint, he then decided to speak
-Ranboo maybe you should go rest?
-nah..i think Il be fine...
-alright... if something happens you can always tell me
Ranboo then walked Insie the manision again , he waned to see Micheal , he went to his room seeing Micheal on his race car bed , of curse that .... thing... started to give bad thoughts into his head again
„Kill him, you dont need that kid, just kill him"
Ranboo ignored the voice in his head , he just waned to spend some time with his son, but of curse whenever he got near Micheal or Tubbo, that thing would try to get him to kill them, he was sick of that creature that is living in his head, he just decided then to have a Nice day with his son...without him there...
||POOOOG IM FINISHED! Il pass the Ranboo and Micheal fluff to Gothy, he is writing to much angst lataly LOL and im super sorry its so short! Im doing this in math class and i didnt really have any ideas at the moment, well i hope you enjoyed this chapter check out our mains Water_Dust and gothychill , see you all on Gothy's chapter! And i promise chapter 5 will be longer||

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