Limitless - Empathy

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As we had more comebacks the outfits and our hair got better.

I remember the day you came to me and you had this bright red hair and told me about the dreamies new song.

You looked amazing with it. At this point I knew something was wrong with me. I kept looking for you, I wanted to see your smile, hug you closely, and kiss your beautiful lips.

You were 17 I thought something was seriously wrong with me. At that point I spent more time with the older members. I tried to forget about you.

Why were you making it so hard for me? Your warm hugs, the way you pecked my cheek and my hands. How could I ignore the fluttering in my heart everytime you got close to me?

The day empathy started. I kissed Doyoung. I don't understand why I did. And from that point we started dating.

You started to avoid me. Spending more time with the younger members. I missed you so much. Would spending time with Doyoung stop this feeling?

It didn't.

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