Chapter 2- Moo

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Travis awoke to have his clothes completely stripped from his body. Panicking, he tries to move his limbs to create some form of stability, yet all deamed hopeless. His ankles and wrists were chained on stone walls. He heard a noise a few feet away from him, the same kind of shuffling of chains. He sees his slender girlfriend lying on the floor in a daze. Holly was confused, and so was Travis. Travis meekly said," Holly? Are you ok?" He noticed that her previous apparel was swapped with a cow patterned bikini. It laid flat on her small breasts as her body tried to struggle free from the unwanted security. "Travis?" Holly whimpered. She was nervous at the fact that she couldn't make out her surroundings. Suddenly, the couple heard a loud buzzing sound. They look up to the ceiling, seeing a humaoid depository  system. The system was that of a large craned arm. Holding firmly a syringe filled with black liquid. The couple began screaming, the system slowly moving towards their bodies. However, that was only one of the new worries that would appear. From one of the walls, a hidden projector appeared, displaying a multitude of colors swirling around the perimeter of the room. Gradually becoming mesmerized, the couple soon forgot that the syringes contents were already emptied into their bodies.

Travis felt his mind go numb. He felt a tingling sensation in his body. He noticed his body contortions, becoming bulkier and toned. He enjoyed that feeling. He felt his pectoral swell into firm masts that only displayed his throbbing masculinity. Speaking of throbbing... during that time of psychical change, his cock grew harder, firmer, and bigger.

Holly grew frightened of her boyfriend. She couldn't wrap her head around the fact that her boyfriend was changing into such a muscular creature. She was scared. As she tried moving the chains away from the wall. She saw her boyfriend become animalistic. He groaned in pain as he locked eyes on her. The only thing that separated him from her was the chains that were holding him back. His eyes filled with lust, he knew that he had to stick his dick into her soon to be wet pussy.

Holly quickly gasped as the syringe sneakily went into her thigh. She quickly pulled her leg away from the system, yet it was a second too late. The contents were making a way into her bloodstream.

The colors of the room began to take more of an impact on Holly. She watched the pretty swirls of red and pink dancing around the walls of the room. She smiled dumbly. Drool coming from her mouth as she was ready for her new changes. She felt warm and heated, her pussy becoming swollen, dripping with juices that made Travis go absolutely wild.

Holly's blonde hair became longer, gentle waves beginning to slowly grow from her head. Her lips began fuller and her cheeks softer. Her lower body also had new changes. She felt her thighs become larger, creating more wetness in her pussy, the friction driving her wild. Her slim tummy became softer, with that, her small breats grew and grew, leaking with milky substances that were visibly showing through her bikini, which was now becoming tight around her soft curvy body.

After noticing Travis rampage against the chains, Holly began to softly moo in delight of her soon to be mate. After yearning for her wet pussy, Travis managed to break the chains and take what was his.

His immense strength ripped Holly's chains from the wall. He picked up Holly, ripping off her feeble bikini and rammed his cock into her throbbing pussy. Moaning in delight, the couple didn't realize the horns growing on their heads, nor the extension of their tailbone becoming a tail. Both were trapped in orgasmic pleasure, that the colors surrounding them became more intense. Diminishing their memories and thoughts, and replacing them with the constant need to fuck.

Travis grabbed Holly's soft large ass and pulled her into his throbbing cock. Holly, happily smiling and moaning in front of her muscular mate, only encouraged Travis to keep going, slowly fucking the brains and knowledge that they once had.

Will watched intently as he saw his former best friend fuck his girlfriend. Getting immensely hard, he shut off the security footage of the couple, and began jerking himself off. He looks at his work desk, and noticed his supply of syringes yet to be tested. Driven by lust, Will takes a syringe and injects it into his body. He screamed in pain as his body had begun to morph into a muscular bull. His muscles more ripped than Travis, his cock, bigger and harder, his sex drive through the roof. Will animalistically rushed to the cell in which he kept Travis and Holly and burst open the door.

Will saw Travis fucking the udder brains out of Holly, the projector still going, the colors drew Will into immense bliss and began fuckinh Travis from the behind. Travis mooed in pleasure as his best friend stuck his hard dick into his large perky ass. Travis dropped Holly as she began to moan for more cock. Travis and Will both smirk as they grabbed Holly and began to stick their cocks into any hole imaginable. Holly moaned with glee as her slutty cow pleasures were becoming a reality.  The three cattle from that point on were trapped in a world of fucking and endless bliss. Life was good at the farm.

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