Chapter 6

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Since they were all really scared, they decided to stick together. They all stayed at Aecha's place as it was a big house and only Eunwoo and Aecha stayed there. Their parents live abroad. They got really close. Eunwoo started staying together with them as he also started getting threats from an unknown number. One day, they all were sitting and discussing who they think the culprit might be, everyone except for Soobin said it might be someone we know, but not one of us. Soobin said that he thinks it's Aecha who is doing all this because until she came into their life, everything was fine but after she came, it all changed, Hueningkai died. She felt really bad. She stopped liking Soobin completely! She started becoming close to Yeonjun. Then, the culprit sent a message to Aecha. He/She sent a message because of which she partially guessed who the culprit might be.. and then she received another message that said, "if you tell everyone who my real identity is, your brother will die! See that drink in front of him?! I poisened it!"
She then refrained from telling them who it is and you stopped Eunwoo from drinking that. Suddenly, Soobin fell unconscious. What happened was, Soobin had sipped that drink of Eunwoo. That's why he had some problems with his stomach. By then, Eunwoo was missing from the hospital where Soobin was being treated. Then you heard crowd talking in one gathering. You went there to see Eunwoo fallen dead. It looked as tho he jumped from the terrace. Then you read the message he sent just before jumping off, it said,"hey sissy! Stay happy! I'm sorry I won't be there with you, but I hope the best for you!" He was a very sensitive person. So even the slightest of things would hurt him. And as he couldn't handle the threats anymore, he decided to take this extreme step. You cried your heart out! Yeonjun slowly approached you and comforted you!

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