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Unseive if only i could my shallow heart
i would to keep a well within
and all the soaring sea weeds
may collect in this hole
i will nurse it open and unstitch
stitches everytime they try to bridge
and coagulated clots like timestamps
will course undirected uncalled but sure
like alarms squaring Sunday mornings
every fucking day waking up with glasses
on i will catch contours of yesterday's
ceiling and again and again and again
wear ink-spots and tug that blue denims up
every few minutes
tracing a lane on them doodle-maps
cheap pens with careless caps
leaving behind everywhere a smudge
like the sellotape scar of ripped apart ads
over passenger seats and museum trees
to replace a new one and if i dig in
i will make a wall out of the caves
and stick collages on them delumping
the heaps and display on
my consciousness curtain and sleep
will fail to navigate through
this magnetic footwalk unscrewing the
compass of my gait
i then will happily resort to counting backwards
hundred to one and more
as if anything could
trick me now in falling


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