Chapter 1: Introduction

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Narrator: These are the Pastel Warriors; Mykie the leader, Harper, Autumn and Anne who is the youngest. They are the good girls. These are the Shadow Pirates; Micheal the leader, Samantha or Sam, Ryan and Jackson. They are the bad boys and girl. The stories will be told through conversations and songs. They all hate each other with a fiery rage. Except Micheal, it is very obvious that he likes Mykie. He used to date Samantha, when they dated Samantha was always jealous. Now some things about the girls they are great fighters and are amazing at fighting video games! Mykie has a secret which of course I'm not gonna tell you, you're just gonna have to wait for that episode. Mykie and Jackson fought the most.

Pastel Warriors VS Shadow PiratesUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum