Chapter 4: No Longer Silenced

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*1 month later*

Jackson: Hey! Weaklings!

Mykie: You talking to us?

Jackson: Who else would I be talking to!?!

Autumn: Well unlike most times we have given you no reason to be mean!

Anne: You guys are the worst friends in the world!!

Jackson: Shut up loser!

*Anne starts to cry*

Jackson: Weakling I don't know why I ever let you be on this team!

Anne: I- I'm sorry.

Jackson: Just stay behind us and stay quiet!

Anne: Yes, Jackson....     Thoughts: You know what I've been silent for long enough!


*Anne sings Speechless*

Jackson: Shut up Anne!

Anne: No! And I quit the Shadow Pirates. *Runs to her friends* I'm so sorry they told me you did really bad things! I never should have believed them! Will you ever forgive me?

Mykie: Of course Anne! I would never forgive myself if I didn't also I know you're innocent, all of this is their fault!

Samantha: Hey! It's her fault for believing my stories!

Anne: Oh be quiet!

Samantha: *Gasps* Rude!

Anne: Really.

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