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[April by Beach Bunny]

{tw- mention of alchole}










"Come on Cathy! You need to get out of the house." Anna said pulling the book Catherine was reading out of her hands. Catherine tried to grab the book back but Anna was to tall. Catherine crossed her arms giving Anna a stern.

"Look you can have this back once we come back" Anna said walking over to the fridge sliding the book on top. Catherine sighed and walked over to the apartment kitchen.

"So where are you dragging me out to tonight." Catherine said as she pulled out one of the island stools to sit on. Just then Cath walked out of her room trying to pull her thick curly hair into a ponytail.

"To watch us preform" Cath says looking up at Cathy. Cathy sighed Cath and Anna non stop talked about the band they had joined. Anna had only joined recently due to something that happened. Catherine had no clue what they were like she had been pestered by the two girls to join but she would rather stay home. Cathy really wasn't the type of person to want to be out and around people and especially on stage. Catherine got up and walked to her room to get dressed. 


(1st person; Catherine Parr)

I raised my eyebrow at Cath as she pulled into a parking lot of a small bar. She gave me an annoyed look and I knew there was no backing out now. I really wasn't to pleased with the idea of going to the bar. I knew it was going to be full of hot sweaty drunks dancing. I really regretted agreeing to go to this as we got out of the car. I could here the framing noises of the no live music that was being djed due to no band being on during this time. 

"Cathy we're going to go up on stage, so you can go find somewhere to sit." Anna says as she opens the door to go into the bar. I nod my head as I watch them show there ids to the bouncer and I follow there lead and show mine. As they walk away i scan the bra for a place to sit. The dance floor was filled with drunk messy dancers as one would suspect to be at a bar. The lights were flashing multiple different colors. I see an empty table and make my way towards it. I maneuver through the crowd of drunks wishing that I had stayed home. When I get to the table I sit downing look towards the stage were Anna and Cath were getting on. There were two other girls on the stage . I recognized one girl a brunette with the tips dyed pink as Katherine or Kitty. Kitty often came over to our apartment to hang out with Anna. It is unclear weather the two are dating or just close friends but I have my suspisions. Kitty was tuning her guitar and she looked up and waved as the other two girls approached her to get set up. The other girl I didn't know, she was a blonde and she was on the phone with someone and she seemed to be quite annoyed at whoever was on the other line. I could tell they were missing someone but I didn't know much about the band so I couldn't tell. I sat there for a few minutes watching the 4 girls on stage move around the stage preparing for there performance. Suddenly I hear a recuse coming from the entrance. There was a tall girl arguing with the bouncer about something before she leaves. Catherine saw the guitar singed over her shoulder and assumed that she was anther band member. Seconds later she came running back through the door with what looked like an id in hand and she shoved it in the bouncers face before running to the stage. I watch as she maneuvered through the crowd before getting on the stage. She runs up to the other girls and they all huddle up. I study her more she was rarely tall and had pale skin an brown hair that had streaks that are colored but in the dim multi colored bar lights. She was wearing a crewneck sweater and a short skirt that made it a little over half way down her thigh. She was wearing a pair of docs that looked worn out. Her guitar, which was still slung over her back, was littered with different stickers but from the distance i was away I had no clue what most of them were. She turned back around and pull her guitar in front of her and walked to the front of the stage. The automatic music turned down as she walks up to the mic. 

"Hi, were Six and we're going to be preforming some songs for you tonight." She said into the microphone and then gave a little smile and thumbs up to the crowd. I could tell that she had a faint British accents and I knew most of the other girls did to so I assumed that the group was originally from the uk like I was. Next thing I know Catherine tapped her drums sticks together and started playing. I watched as the brunette adjusted her grip on her guitar and started to strum it. I hadn't heard the song that they were play from what I could tell. 

April showers, rain starts falling
I wish that you would pick up when you know I'm calling
It's been another year
Wishing you were here

I watched intrigued as she sang the first verse. She sounded sad as she sang. She sang and played with emotions which was surprising for it being the first song.

Sometimes I just want somebody
Someone who reminds me that they'll always love me
Sick of counting tears
Wishing you were here

She bopped her head to the music which her made her untamed hair bounce around.

I wanna be everything you wanted
But oftentimes, I just get forgotten
I'm all alone

She stopped singing as the song went into an instrumental bit. She turned around to the there girls that were on stage Anna and the unnamed blonde sitting and watching as they were not need for this song.

Are you out there? I'm still here
I wish that when I said your name, you would appear
Sitting next to me
Now we're memories

She looked tired and sad. She was sining about heartbreak while seeming to be heartbroken. I watched as she started to scan the room. 

Sometimes I just want somebody
Someone who reminds me that they'll always love me
Sick of counting tears
Wishing you were here

I watch as her eyes glance around the room at all the people. The bar was quite crowded at the moment as it was a Friday night.

I wanna be everything you wanted
But oftentimes, I just get forgotten

Her eyes soon land on me and we make eye contact. 

Are you out there somewhere?
What are you up to?
Have you changed your number?
I've been trying to call you
Since April and now it's October
I'm not overthinkin'
But I think about you a lot
And maybe I am just an afterthought

She holds the eye contact seeming to try and study me in the dim lit room. 

Where did you go?
Where did you go?

She finally breaks eye contact as the song ends and she returns to gazing into the cheering crowd.

(1235 Words)

a/n- yea I am starting a new story :)

so all the chapters are named after songs and I am going to make a playlist at the end :)

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