Books and Stories

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This is going to be some books that I have read, loved and would recommend.

Shadowhunter Fanfictions:

Relapsed - A Last Hours fanfiction by sarcastic_angel_ and laneylovesreading it is positively amazing.

Aeipathy - A Dark Artifices AU by a very talented person AKA my soul sister sarcastic_angel_

Malec - A book of Malec oneshots that are SO DAMN CUTE by hellllllllloooxoxo

TSC Texts - Texting stories between our favourite Shadowhunter characters written by Leiafarchild

Cassandra Clare Fanbook - Literally what the title says and it's an epic book by the_thirteenth_queen

Percy Jackson Stuff 

Okay, so I have not read Percy Jackson and I'm afraid I can't get very involved in these fanfics until I have read them but these two beautiful people have written a lot of PJO fanfics so...

For a PJO fanfic check out K_invalid and the_thirteenth_queen

They are so very talented and have written a lot of Percy Jackson stuff so go give them the support and love they deserve!

Own Stories and Others

fangirl1918 - All I'm going to say is that she is super talented in writing and her story, Paradise Bound, is so flipping amazing, so GO READ. Also, check out her poem collection. They're SO good. One of them literally made me cry. (Paradise Bound)

MadForCats - If you liked the Gone series, check out my parabatai's story, the Explosion, which has a similar feel to that of Gone. She's also a wonderful, wonderful writer, so go and read her story! It's EPIC!

HowlingMadMayhem - Like PJO, I can't relate very much, but May writes Thunderbirds fanfiction, so if that's your thing go and read her works!!

Okay, so that's that. Now. Anyone have any Shadowhunter fanfic recommendations? Short books would be better.

And anyone want me to read their own story or something? Preferrably with short chapters. But yeah...

I shall disappear now, lol.


Love from IC

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