Chapter 4

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"Did you know that the boy in that picture sings part of that song?" I tell Nessa as we walk hand in hand down the stairs. "Really?!" she says looking up at me in wonder, I nod my head at her as we reach the bottom of the stairs. "His name is Louis, he was my best friend til I moved again," I tell her as I walked down the stairs.                                                                                                                               (well since no one would choose!)

"I would have loved to meet him," Nessa says as we reach the bottom of the staircase. "I bet he would have loved to meet you too,"I tell her with a small smile. Nessa runs over to Bella to give her a hug before she goes to hug Edward. He looks over at me as he reads my mind "I'm sorry," he says telepathically. "Get out of my head!" I yell back at him through my head as I turn around and walk out the front door.

When I get outside I take a deep breath before I break into a full sprint into the woods. I don't pay attention to where I'm going I just run until I can't no more. I stop and look around before I start to walk. The ground is covered in snow and so are the trees making the ice hanging off the branches look like diamonds. I stop and fall down and grab onto my chest as I feel like the oxygen is sucked out of my lungs. I sit there and cry for hours until I calm myself down enough to stand back up and start running again. As I start running again all the memories come back as strong as a tidal wave.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2021 ⏰

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