the news

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"AX GET YOUR FUCKING ASS DOWN HEAR RIGHT NOW OR I WILL SHOVE MY FOOT SO FAR UP YOUR ASS IT WILL COME OUT YOU THROAT" shrieked the awful woman that ax calls his mom for the third time.


as ax got down the stairs he was met by the scariest creature to ever live. His mother. And what was even more bone chilling was that she was. Smiling. With pity written over her face. She sat by the kitchen counter with a mug in hand waiting for her son. When she saw him she sighed and motioned for him to sit with her. Ax did exactly that worried for his life. ( Not really he is just scared of her because she is his mom, she's not abusive or anything ).

"I Need to tell you something serious ax." Ax's mother said in a calm tone

"OK spit it out already" ax said with confusion and annoyance in his voice

"Ax... Frey's father just told me he and frey are moving back because he got a job offer here"

"W-what? No! That m-means frey is coming back! h-he was not supposed t-to come back! mom no,no,no!" Ax said fighting back tears but failed, soon hot tears started rolling down his cheeks, then he started sobing

"Ax you need to tell frey the truth your father is not coming back you can be happy" Ax's mother said in a comforting tone

"But w-what if h-he does. I love frey I dont want him dead" ax said still sobing

"Your father is not coming back, frey however is, He's moving next door. There is nothing we can do about it. Try and repair your friendship. If you really love him then show that to him."

"I don't know if he'll want to even see me let alone interact with me" ax said slightly chuckling sadly still sobing

Ax then went to his room and with that ax's emotions became a Rollercoaster. That usually happened whenever he thought of frey. Except now ax felt more then just regret and sadness. He felt happiness. Ax was over the moon that he could even get a glimpse of frey again. With that being said he also felt anxiety because he was anxious of how to approach frey. He can't exactly go up to him like "hey its me ax the same guy who ruined your life becasue of my dad, how are you?". Ax never felt this way for anyone other then frey. He was always the seemingly emotionless basted not the nervous type.

Ax wonders what will frey be like now. Will he be sexy, and as perfect as he was five years ago. who was he kidding of course he was. Now to add to ax's list of emotions he just felt in the time spaned of one hour, he now felt like a pervert. Soon after his eyelids felt heavy and sleep took over. Little did he know this would be one of the last nights wishing to see frey again because he would now be living next too him. And hopefully make a mends with frey and explain why he did what he did.

The next day was shit as always. Ax was not a morning person. ( but then again who is? ) He got dressed and did his normal morning routine. With a few more falls but that's ok. He only ate shit maybe five times. ( he's REALLY clumsy) He got out of the house and drove to hell.

When he got to school he already wanted to go home. The entire day was boring as hell, like everyday, he struggled to stay awake by the end of the day while his teacher was talking until some news caught his attention.

"Students in a few days we will have a new student i ask you be kind and helpful towards him" the teacher, thankfully finished talking. Ax didn't know what it was but everytime he talked he felt like his ears were bleeding.

After ax got home he went straight to his drums or as he calls them his "babies" which his mom still finds weird. But she was never home so he rarely got the "what did you fuck to get this baby of yours?" joke she would always say.

After a while of drumming his body felt numb which he LOVED. He ate dinner took a bath and went to bed. Exited that he would soon see frey.

Me And My Ex Best-Friend (ON HOLD!)Where stories live. Discover now