cockblocked by my alarm

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The next day when ax woke up he saw a moving truck and started jumping in joy and probably looked crazy to his neighbors but fuck it he was happy. He got dressed and tried to look presentable but gave up and looked how he wanted to. He went downstairs and opened the door only to be filled with worries. Until he saw frey's father. Frey's father then dropped everything he had in his hand to go give ax a bear hug. Frey's father new very little about what really happened that night all he knows was is wasn't ax's fault.

"How have you been sunny boy" frey's father said with his usual goofy voice

"Go-good just n-nervous" ax said slightly embarrassed

"You no really? Your nervous to see frey right. Sorry to say but he's sleeping and you know how that boy is he is dead asleep. There is no waking him."

"Do you need help with anything"

"Yeah can you bring frey to his room"


"Can you carry him to his room?"

"Yeah su- sure"

And with that ax found frey dead asleep in the car and boy was he adorable with his glasses and book in hand. Ax had to contain his excitement. He then picked up frey bridal style and brought him to his room which only had a bed at the moment. He placed frey very gently on the bed although you could drop him on the floor and he would continue sleeping. He then sat next to frey and admired him. Then realized he probably looked like a creep. But he didn't care.

Then ax reluctantly left frey to help frey's father which he thought he needed and when most of their things were inside frey's father told him to check on frey. He went to his room to see a still sleeping frey. ax then went to lay next to him only for freys eyes to open as soon as he did. Ax laid there mortified. Frey just as surprised as ax was. Then frey did what he wanted to do for so long. He huged ax and started to cry and sob silently then clung to ax coudleing him. Frey just wanted to feel ax's arms around him again. Ax was shocked but never moved, he wanted this too. Ax coudled frey kissing his forehead like he used to do when they where young and whispering sweet nothings to him. Ax then asked a question with an answer he was not expecting.

"Why don't you hate me" ax whispered while still coudleing frey

"Becasue no matter how hard I try I can't hate you, in reality I missed you" frey said tears rolling down his cheeks

"Frey I love you so fucking much" ax said running a hand through freys hair and thinking to himself about how he thought freys lips would taste

Just as he thought that frey smashed his lips with his. Ax was shocked but soon melted into the kiss. After kissing for a little bit, he bite freys lip for entrance which frey gave him immediately. Then ax started to explore freys body with his hands which made frey moan softy. It was like music to ax's ears. ax started to take off his shirt and frey ran his fingers down ax's body until he got to ax's pants zipper. Then just as he was about to take frey's shirt off a loud brrrriiiiiiinnnnnggggg went off.

Then ax woke up. And realized it was his alarm. He then realized that it was just a dream. Ax didn't even go to school, he was in such a dick mood, he got cockblocked by his own alarm that was now smashed to bits. Hopefully tomorrow was better.

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