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"Kato!" Kishimoto cried as she raised her gun and shot several times at the alien that was attacking Kato. Kato, Kishimoto, and Hojo had split up from Kei and Tetsuo to defeat the aliens near a row of houses on a main street. Kato gritted his teeth, eyes wide and arms held stubbornly by his sides; he still refused to kill. "Kato, shoot!" Kishimoto ran toward Kato just as the alien opened its mouth and then exploded. Kato relaxed with a sigh of shame as he looked at Kishimoto, not quite believing her determination; now she had protected both him and Kei by killing an alien.

"I'm sorry," Kato said quietly. "I just-"

Kishimoto lowered her arms and avoided his guilty gaze. "Kato, you have no choice. I know how you feel, and I know you don't want to shoot anyone, neither do I, but it's just how it is. I don't want anything to happen to you, so I'll keep shooting to protect you, but if you want us all to be safe, then you have to do the same." Kishimoto looked up with a small smile. "Okay?"

Kato opened his mouth in slight surprise to reply, but a shout from their other teammate interrupted him.

"Hey!" Hojo ran toward them, gun in his hand. "I got one back there," he said and pointed behind him. "I was a little worried when I turned around and you guys weren't there."

Kato nodded and slightly bowed apologetically. "Sorry about that, we chased some down this way to make sure they didn't get away."

Hojo placed a hand in his pocket. "Great. That's all of em on this side then."

Kishimoto frowned for a moment. "Wait a minute," she said before looking at the controller connected to her arm and revealed the map. "Weren't there five?"

Kato looked at her map. "Huh?"

Kishimoto nodded and pointed to the area they were in. "Remember? There were five around this part."

Hojo nodded. "And we got em." Hojo tilted his head when Kishimoto and Kato exchanged worried glances. "Right?"

Kato looked at Hojo. "How many did you kill?"

"Just the one."

Kato gasped lightly. "Just one?"

Hojo immediately became defensive. "Yeh well, at least I actually got one Mr. I can't shoot anything. Screw you!"

Kato hunched his shoulders. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean – I just meant that we only got two – I mean, Kishimoto did."

Hojo's annoyance relented, and he grew concerned. "Only two? Then that means two got away somehow?"

Kishimoto nodded and expanded the map. "There," she pointed further away from their position. "There's one there, and another in this shadowy part."

Kato looked at his own device and nodded. "I see them. It looks like that shadowy part could be a building of some kind."

Hojo frowned. "They're pretty far off now, and I think there's a restaurant around that area, so the shadowy part could be a parking lot."

Kato jogged a few paces and turned back to them. "Come on, if their that far, we better get moving."

Kishimoto and Hojo nod before they all ran in the new direction.



"So, this really isn't a normal situation," Tetsuo said as he and Kurono walked side by side.

Kurono scoffed. "You can definitely say that again."

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