half hearts need to be together ...

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"You want to dance with her right??"

"Yeah .. but "

"Cool, just wait n watch"

"Hey, luke don't do anything stupid ..", before I could stop him , he ran towards them ... And stopped on his tracks and turned right ..
There was a waiter , serving the guests ... He went to him and whispered something in His ear and turned to my side and winked ..

Omg he's gonna do something stupid for sure...
He came to me ..

"Luke , what were you whispering in that waiter's ear and why is he going towards sarah and ron... Don't tell me your going to do something shitty .."

"Shh chris, just let this all happen",said luke grinning..
And I just stared at the waiter .. waiting for his actions to take place ..

Just then the waiter bumped into ron , spilling the drink all over him ..

"Hey you bastard ..look where you're walking .." shouted ron using foul language ..

"Hey ron .. it was by mistake .. no need for you to use bad words for him .... "

"But ..sarah ... He spoiled my suit"

"So what ? You can clean it right",she said calmly

"Im sorry sir .. I really am ... I'll help you clean it "

"No thanks .. you've done much.. I can clean it by myself .."

I felt bad for the waiter .. ron had insulted him in front of everybody ... I should probably apologize after all it's my fault that he had to do this thing ..
"Excuse me"

"Yes sir , would you like to have something.. I'll get it right away ..",he seemed down but didn't let it reflect ..

"Im sorry ", I hugged him

"Sir, what are you doing .. why are you apologizing..?"

"I'm sorry , it all happened because of me .. ", I smiled at him ..

"Sir , it's okay... It happens .. we waiters have to deal with these type of guests .. and I don't mind at all .. it's a daily routine ... But you are really sweet sir ... You are the only guest who hugged me like this... You are a really good hearted person... I wish that whomever you love stay by your side for the rest of your life .. and happiness knocks on your door every morning .."

I smiled at him...and gave him a pat on his shoulder and left ..

Sarah's POV .
When I saw chris hugging the waiter I felt so happy .. I mean which celebrity does that... He's just a great human being... And on the other hand .. ron.. he just insulted the poor man .. and didn't even care .. and left me all alone ..
He spoiled my day at the beginning itself .. and now I don't even want to see his face... I went to the bar side and ordered a shot.. and began drinking shots uncountably ..

"Sarah?? ... Sarahh??.. what have you done... You're drunk .. omg.. stop it sarah.."

"Who are you... Stay away let me drink.. I'm sad "

"Hey.. sarah stop it .. you drank more than enough.. leave it give it to me", someone snatched away the shot glass from my hand

"Chris...??.noo .. let me bee... .stay away ... You know what .. I hate ron .. he spoiled my day ..and left me all alone"
Chris's POV...
She was so drunk and i could clearly see the sadness in her eyes ...

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