Chapter 20

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As Gemma ran, she realized there were no following footsteps. She checked in the rear view mirror of a cerise pink car.

Joy would love this colour. And the others would hate it, she thought.

Then Gemma got back to focus. She couldn't see the man in the mirror.

Which meant the others were free and had helped her...

"I will go and rescue the others. You run to make him follow you. I will get a sword somehow. Then we will help you somehow.. If you find him gone, then we are safe. Then please tell us where you are, message us your location. We will come find you after we have gotten rid of the man somehow..."

Gemma nodded to herself as she remembered what Emma had told her.

Guys. -Gemma

GEMMA! -Rachel

No time to talk, we have to kill FHDSFDFKISHSH?! -Rachel


Emma happened!!! -Rachel

What did she do? -Gemma

I stabbed the man! He's dead. -Emma

WHAT?! -Gemma

Yep. Gem, where are you? -Emma

Gemma checked her GPS carefully. It didn't have the red dot which meant her, and she groaned to herself.

GPS malfunctioning. -Gemma

That's bad. Can you find us then? -Rachel

Sure. Where are you? -Gemma

Let's meet at the McDonald's in the airport. -Emma

Alright. Fifteen minutes. -Gemma

Gemma asked a man for directions. Then she took off in that direction.

"Oh, WHERE IS GEMMA?" said Rachel impatiently for the hundredth time."WHY ISN'T SHE HERE YET?"

"Calm down, Rachel!" Emma sighed yet again.

"Sit down and eat another burger!" Xana added.

They all began making suggestions.

"Or a milkshake! Or French fries!" Saqcy said.

"Or a soda! Or a chicken nugget!" Alden suggested.

"Or an ice cream! Or a chicken wing! Chicken thigh!" Mary said.


"SHUT UP!" screamed Rachel.

They sighed.

"Ok. Just calm down," Emma said.

"Tell me again. What's the plan?" asked Rachel.

"We wait for Gemma, we catch a flight- wait! Where do we get a flight?" Emma gasped.

The others turned to her with wide eyes.

"Well... change of plan then," said Rachel quickly.

Emma caught her eye and smiled gratefully. "Ok. We wait for Gemma, we get a hotel, we try to get a flight there, we tell the people at home what's up, we go home."

Rachel smiled too. "Sounds like a good plan to me," she said.

The others murmured and nodded agreement. They sat and waited.

Gemma ran and ran until she was out of breath. She stopped, hands on her knees.

Exhausted, she paused for a break, breathing heavily. A woman stopped, seeing Gemma.

Gemma's eyes were closed so she didn't see the woman. Suddenly, she felt a jolt of pain shoot up her right arm.

"AHHHHHH!" she screamed, falling to her knees, eyes wide open.

The woman chuckled and departed.

That was when Gemma realized that the woman had stabbed her with a dagger.

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