Chapter 27

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When had he switched places with Emma anyway?

Was it when Emma rounded a corner before them? Had the imposter grabbed her and stuffed a gag into her mouth?

Then what? Had he thrown Emma to an accomplice and then ran on in Emma's place?

Xana knew that her deductions were right. In fact, she was the clever one; the others were all scratching their heads. She knew precisely what had happened now.

Well, of course she was very clever. If Xana wasn't so clever, how had she managed to find Alden in the first place? And caught him? It would be quite impossible, wouldn't it? Xana had always gotten an A++ when she was in school.

Xana thought about this: who was the imposter?

Perhaps... perhaps the imposter was one of Greyling's followers. Yes... that was who the imposter was.

Xana did not pride herself on finding that out; she knew it was just a simple conclusion and that anyone could find it out once they thought.

Now Xana needed to press on to the most important issue: how could they escape?

Xana thought hard. They could, of course, leap over the wall, but at what angle would they need to jump? What speed would they have to run? And how long would they have to escape?

No. It wasn't possible. It wasn't possible for all of them to escape before the imposter caught one or more of them.

Then what other ways could they escape?

Think, Xana, think.

Xana knew in her heart that there was only one way- they would have to run for it. And risk the imposter catching them.

But Xana knew she was right. This was the one way. It was very unfortunate that there wasn't a risk-free way.

But then, when was there ever a risk-free way when it came to being the cornered one?

Xana knew what had to be done.

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