To Meet a Witch

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Witches were born fairly rarely, so they weren't much of a problem. But when one was discovered, they had to be killed. To kill a witch was a simple process. You just had to cut out their heart and crush it. There were, however, several catches. Witches could only die from having their hearts crushed. And if someone happened to love them, they would die with the witch unless the witch believed that their lover no longer loved them.
Because of this, you lived in the forest alone, only venturing into town when you absolutely had to. You knew that you probably wouldn't be found out while buying food, but you didnt like taking chances.
It was during one of those trips into town when you met Axel.
You accidentally walked into him when entering the bakery and dropped some of your things at his feet.
"Ah! Sorry!"
"Nej. It's fine." Axel bent down to help you pick up your things. You noticed he was also carrying some bread and uncharacteristically decided to try and ask him out.
"Are you shopping too? Because we could go to the farmer's market together." You blushed as soon as you said it, immediately regretting your decision. He let out a small laugh at you and agreed to go with you.
"My name is Axel."
"I'm Y/N."
You smiled as you walked back to your cottage. You had spent the afternoon talking with Axel and despite all of your instincts telling you it was a bad idea, you had even made plans to meet up with him again in a few days. You hoped that the two of you would become friends. After all, living in isolation could get pretty lonely.
When talking with Axel, you had learned that he was from Sweden. He had moved here with his two brothers (they were triplets) and they had two cats. He didn't have a job, but then again, neither did you. All in all, you thought he seemed like a very interesting man and you could feel the excitment of a new friendship bubbling up inside off you.

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