Chapter 12

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Reader's POV:

"So what do you guys do around here, when you're not like in a therapy session?"

You sat cross legged in what was called 'the chill out room.' There was a flat screen tv mounted on the wall, a huge bookshelf in the corner with different coloured bean bags in a huddle along with 2 small sofas. You were accompanied by Sally, Billie, Wilhemina, and Lana. You'd already met Sally, and the notion of her being a crazy bitch still stood, but Ellie was right, she was harmless. You had also briefly met Billie when you first arrived.

You hadn't planned on making anymore introductions today, but Sally insisted and Cordelia had said it'd be good for you to get to know everyone. The other girls seemed nice enough, well Billie and Lana did, Wilhemina not so much. She gave off quite a threatening vibe, and appeared to have isolated herself from the rest of the girls. Even now she was sat by herself reading a book, her cane propped up next to her. Sally had informed you that Wilhemina had a condition called scoliosis and warned you to never talk about it in front of her or to stare at her, Sally had learnt that the hard way.

"I like to go for a swim when the weathers nice." Billie answered. You liked Billie, you felt like you could be friends with her, even after you left this place. She was in here because she had something called BPD, which stood for borderline personality disorder. It was kind of funny actually; not funny haha, but kind of ironic because you'd read about BPD and thought that's what your mum probably had with the amount of different personalities she inhabited. But then Billie informed you that having various personalities wasn't what the condition was about, it's some sort of mood disorder.

"You know what I like to do." Sally smirked in your direction giving you a playful shove, but you just frowned, oblivious to what she was referring to. She just rolled her eyes, sighing impatiently before holding her hand to her mouth in a drinking motion. Was that all she did? Get drunk? Was she an alcoholic too, you wondered. Apparently not, Audrey was the one with the alcohol problem.

Your attention then turned to Lana as she spoke. "I write a lot. Well it's kind of part of my therapy, but it helps I guess." You didn't know the whole story of why Lana was in here. It was down to something traumatic that had happened to her a few years ago, but she didn't like to talk about it. Out of all the girls you'd met so far, you definitely related to Lana more.

Suddenly you were snapped out of your thoughts by a familiar voice. "How you settling in, y/n." Your eyes darted over to the doorway, where Ellie stood, with an endearing look on her face. You wasn't sure how long she'd been standing there but you couldn't help the smile that spread across your face when you saw her. She hadn't been gone that long but you felt yourself really missing her. She took your smile as a good sign and gestured to the huge suitcase she was carrying. "I brought you some things." You excused yourself from the other girls, following Dr Staple as she lead the way to your room.

"I hope everyone is being nice to you." She said as you climbed the stairs to your room.

You nodded your head slowly, a shy smile tugging at your lips. "Yeah they are.." You paused for a moment, glancing around you to make sure no one else was around, when you were satisfied that it was just you and Ellie, you continued, voice slightly hushed. "Although that Wilhemina girl is kind of scary. She didn't seem too pleased about my arrival, what's her deal?"

Dr Staple chuckled as you both entered your room. "Don't take it personal. She isn't so bad once you get to know her." She paused, placing the suitcase on your bed. "She's had a very difficult life. I can't say too much because you know it's confidential, but she finds it very hard to trust people and has built this wall up around her to sort of protect herself. But we're working on all of that. She's come a long way since she first got here."

You sort of felt bad for the girl, you didn't know much about her but from what Ellie had told you, you had some similarities. Maybe one day you could actually be friends.

"You didn't have to bring me anything, I would have been fine with what I brought." You watched as Ellie opened up the suitcase, peeking inside.

"Wait.. you went to my house?" You tried to keep your voice even, attempting to hide the surprise and worry that you felt inside as you slowly started to unpack your belongings. Clothes, more clothes, practically your whole wardrobe was in there. Along with a couple pairs of shoes, some makeup and your favourite stuffed animal. Your heart warmed a little at the older woman's kind gesture as you held the teddy close to your chest. It was a fluffy white bear that you'd had since you were 9 years old, a gift from your grandad that he gave you just before he passed away. He was your best friend. The only person that made you happy, and the bear was the only thing you had left of him.

"Was my mum there?" You dreaded what the answer would be and then when you saw the sheepish look on her face, your heart dropped. "What is it? What happened?"

Dr Staple exhaled slowly, avoiding your gaze as she took a seat on the edge of the bed. "We may have had.. words." She said, twiddling nervously with her fingers, keeping her gaze cast downwards.

You blew out a sigh in frustration as you took a seat on the bed. "What did she say?" You had some idea.

"Some really horrible things." She paused for a second, turning to face you, a look of guilt resting on her face. "I just got so angry and I uhm may have.."

You gave her a questioning look waiting for her to continue but before she could you were interrupted by a knock on the door, and then Cordelia entered, holding a confused look on her face. "Uhm Dr Staple the police are here to see you.. something about an assault." Cordelia's eyes briefly flicked over to you and you quickly put 2 and 2 together.

Your eyes widened, fixing your gaze on an anxious looking Ellie. "What the hell did you do?"

Hey gays and gals! Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

I recently wrote an announcement asking which other Sarah character you'd love to see in this story. Only a few people commented so maybe not everyone saw the post, so now is your chance to have an input. Comment below a Sarah character you want me to include in this story. She's most likely going to be a therapist. A lot of people said they think Diane Sherman would be a good fit, but judging on her character in Run, I don't think she's therapist material 🤣 but I'll try and include her somewhere.

Anyway, please leave a comment and let me know your thoughts, thank you for reading.
~T ~

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