chapter five

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Erica's POV

I gently knocked on the door. I stood there waiting for a response when a sweaty Josh came to the door. When he saw me his eyes bulged slightly.

"Erica what are you doing here?" he said franticly and ran his hand through his hair. I was about to speak but I was interupted by a half naked girl coming up behind josh

"Baby whats taking you so long?" she questioned not even aknowledging me.

"THATS IT!" I screamed in frusteration

"Josh this is the last straw we are through!" I screamed turning away as tears lightly glided over my cheeks speckling the ground. I hopped in my car and immediatley started driving to Harry's place. When I arrived I dried my tears and made myself look as presentable as I could.I walked to the door and knocked. A young looking woman with dark long hair answered the door.

"Hi sweetie who are you here for?" she asked politley

"I am here to see Harry Mrs.Styles." I replied quietly

"Okay and honey please call me Anne." 


she turned into the house and called for Harry. He came to the door and started rambling to his mom about how it is not funny joking about people coming to the door. He was just about to shut the door but his eyes met mine. I swear his jaw hit the floor. 

"hi" I said shyly

"hey" he said 

"would you like to come in?."

"sure." he motioned for me to come in and I slowly did.

"Kids i need to run and do a few things i'll be back." Anne said and once the door shut we began to talk.

"So why did you come to my house I thought you were going to be with josh?" 

"well I was but..." i said and explained the whole story of why i came. by the end of the story Harry was holding me as i cried onto his shoulder.

Aren't You The Nerd (nerdy Harry styles love story)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora