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   This is going to be very all over the place because my therapist said I would write down my Maladaptive daydreams to help tell what is real and what is not. (I have a pretty bad problem with that now because of this habit) These are all going to be self insert but I am going to mostly use y/n and if not you can just replace it with you name. My name is Salem and you can use any pronouns you feel comfortable with if you are addressing me in the comments! I would love some constructive criticism but no flat out rude comments please! This isn't going to be updated often, but when it is there will be a lot in each update as I'm going to slowly write each daydream down and draft the chapters. When I feel like the end is adequate I will post all of the chapters at once! I hope you enjoy this wild ride and if there is a fandom you don't know or aren't apart of you can just skip it! Obviously there are going to be spoilers for certain shows so be ready for that! Enjoy!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2021 ⏰

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