Chapter 7

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At Moon's funeral, Fury had a flash back...

King Phoenix, surprised you came"

"No body threats my throne"

"What about the Dragon's royal family?"

"Go ahead, and kill them, their daughters will live and then kill you"


"I'm listening"

"Kill Moon"

"Then Ghost?"

"Touch Ghost and you will die!"

"You like Ghost, ha"

"Do you want to die?"


"Listen up"

"I'm listening"

"You get one of your guards to kill Moon. Luna and Eclipse will think it is you. I will show up after two years and help Ghost. Then you capture Ghost, but not hurt her..."

"That it?"


??? Finished explaining...

"Good plan, your name?"

"I am the true heir to the dragon throne, Fury"

Flash back ends...

I need to stop the wolf king before he kills Ghost...
Hope you enjoy this chapter and tell me of any changes I can make - 148 Words

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