Chapter 10

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YN's POV: 

I'm in my room when I see faint moans coming from my sister's room so I call Bobby 

Calling Step-Brother Trusty❤️

B: Hello 

Yn: Hey where's Jordan at?

B: He went to the bathroom why?

Yn: I hear faint moans coming from my sister's room 

B: Oh snap ok

Yn: Aight Bobby imma go to sleep 

B: Aight 

I turn around and go to sleep 

An hour later I go downstairs to see Kobe and Cameron playing 2k, Bobby sleep, Adrian, Mike, Ballo, Derek, Corey, Derek, and Jordan on their phones, and Milla's sleep on Jordan's lap its so cute cause their cuddling. 

Yn: Awwww look at ya'll 

Mi: They need to get a room 

Yn: Michael don't make me smack you 

Milla: That's what I said 

YN: Oop I thought you was sleep 

Milla: Oh I was but Kobe and Cam are loud as heck 

Ko, Cam: Our fault 

Yn: Milla let me talk to you real quick 

Milla: Ok 

Milla: I'll be right back bubba and bums 

Tb: Aight see ya

Jo: Aight Mamas I'll miss you 

E= Everybody 

E: Awwwwww

Milla: Shut up ya'll but I'll miss you too bubs 

Yn: Milla so what are you and Jordan 

Milla: Idk I mean we made out upstairs 

Yn: Oooohhhh Milla's got a boyfriend 

Yn: But Dad, Keem, Mal, and Dre aren't going to like this 

Milla: Yea Ik 

Yn: Just be careful ok milla 

Milla: Ok I will I promise 

Yn: Ok go back with your little boyfriend yall cute or whatever 

Milla: Thank you Yn Love youu 

Yn: Love you too 

End of Yn's POV

Milla's POV: 

I go back over to see Jordan frowning 

Milla: Wat's wrong bubs 

Jor: Kylie keeps trynna facetime me 

Milla: Here give me your phone i'll talk to her

AD: Oop she finna pop off dont play with her 

Milla: Lol Adrian shut up 

Ky: Babe I'm sorry he didn't mean anything to me

Milla: He did if you were making out with him in a public place

Ky: Jamilla why you on my man's phone 

Milla: Girl please you mean my man's phone and cause I can 

Ky: Your man wydm your man 

Milla: Oh I forgot to tell you Me and Jordan are together 

Ky: Whatt Jordan how could you 

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