Chapter 13

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Milla's POV: 

I went upstairs because I was mad and irrirated but then I had to go throw up in the bathroom. 

Aya: Milla you good 

Milla: Idk 

Aya: How long you been throwing up 

Milla: About a week 

Aya: You want me to get a test

Milla: Yea imma go with you 

Aya: Aight 

End of Milla's POV

Zoe's POV: 

Zo: I'm worried about Milla

Mi: Fr like Bro really did that 

Gra: Ik like she really liked him but boys are not to be trusted no offense to yall 

Tb: Nun taken 

Then I got a text from Aya 


Ayaaaa😘😘: I think Milla's Pregnant 

Zoe the Queen😘: Wait what

Ayaaaa😘😘: She's throwing up she has been for a week Imma go take her to get a test you and Gracie wanna come? 

Zoe the Queen: Sure 

Ayaaaa😘😘: Aight we coming down now 

Zoe The Queen: Aight 

Zo: Gracie wanna to go to the store with me Milla, and Aya 

Gra: Sure what yall getting

Zo: A pregnancy test for Milla 

Mi: Im sorry a what

De: Right I didn't hear yall correctly 

Ad: I think they said pregnancy test 

Pr: Adrian, Cameron, and Cohen go with them 

Ad, Cam, Co: Aight 

Milla: Yall coming with us?

Th: Yea

Aya: Aight lets go 

They get in the car Aya and Cohen sat in the front with Cohen driving, Zoe, Cameron, and Gracie sat in the middle row with Zoe in the middle, and Adrian and Jamilla sat in the back row. Jamilla was scared and crying so Adrian was comforting her 

Ad: Its ok Milla if you are pregnant we will be there every step of the way 

Milla: Ik I just dont wanna be pregnant with that stupid nigga's baby 

Ad: We got you if you are 

Milla: Aight 

Jamilla really felt like she really had a twin brother again. Jamilla was a triplet but two months before her dad married Adrian's mom both of her brothers died. 

When they got to the store they bought the test and then guess who they ran into. Yep you guessed it right Jordan and Kylie but they werent alone. 

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