The Party

77 8 14

Peggy's POV

I chew on my hair while twirling my pencil. Lately, I've had zero inspiration to write anything. I can't even compose. That's what frustrates me the most, the fact that I can't do what I love. I sigh and stand up, annoyed I grab my sweater and put on some sneakers. I grab my apartment keys and then walk out of my home. I briskly walk down the stairs and out the door into the "fresh" air. C'mon, it's New York, the cities air isn't always the cleanest. I connect my AirPods to my phone and shuffle my "Workout" playlist. "Let's Go Crazy" by Prince comes on and I begin my daily run. During the guitar solo, I run the fastest I've ever run, leaving me gasping for breath when I return to the apartment complex.

Once I'm back at my apartment I'm out of breath and my heart's racing. I press play on my "Cooldown" playlist and soon "Fallin' " by Dylan Brady is playing. After I stretch and take a shower, I sit down in front of my computer and start mixing music on my files.

After an hour of doing that, I get up and do an apartment-friendly workout. As you can see, health is important to me. I walk to the kitchen making myself some lunch and start to listen to Fallin' on loop.

I stir my iced tea and take a sip, the sweetness bringing my focus to nothing in particular. I sigh remembering how my best friend, John Laurens, loved lemon with his iced tea. He was married to it, I swear. I close my eyes and go back to my tea. Now that I remembered John, the tea tastes bitter instead of sweet and the song's making me miss him so much.

Annoyed, I grab my phone, stop the music, and open up my messages. I contemplate whether or not to text him. I open his contact up and start typing.

Peggs: Hi

I sigh and erase the text. I block him and then unblock him. What's the point? We had one h*ll of a fight so, why do I even bother trying to reach out? My screen closes with a chime and I put the phone face down on the counter. I stare at the phone case, sunflowers, and a red tulip in the middle. The phone case that he gave me for my 17th birthday. I shake my head and bury my face in my arms, trying hard not to succumb to my misery. If only he'd listen to me for once. Then again, he never listens to me but if he had he wouldn't have gotten heartbroken. said you'd never break your promises...why'd you break the biggest one? You promised o never abandon me and leave me alone. Yet, you broke it. You never actually cared about me. I hate to say it but I miss you.

Oh what the h*ll. I send a quick text to his snap and leave my phone on the counter. Doesn't hurt to try, right?

Peggs: Hi. It's Peggy. I know you don't wanna talk to me, nor do you care about me anymore, but I'm not doing well. I've hit rock bottom, I might not be here much longer, and this is just...I dunno. Letting you know?

My phone begins buzzing and I flip it over. "Pink Sister" is calling. I groan and shake my head. Ever since she walked in on me cutting my arm, she's making sure to call me each day and ask how I've been. I pick up my phone and answer it.

"Hey Ange." I mentally scold myself for sounding so broken and tired.

"Hey Peggs. How ya feeling?" I can hear Eliza groan in the background.

"Sorry, bad question, wrong day. E and I wanna invite you to a party, is that okay?" I hear the hopefulness in her voice. I stand up from my seat on the barstool, creaking as I get off. Am I really that fat? I go over to the black couch and cuddle a white faux fur pillow.

I guess you could say...I'm really lonely.

"Oh, I dunno. I'm not good at socializing." I say honestly. On the other end of the phone, I hear Angie and Eliza burst into a fit of giggles.

"We know that! Seriously, c'mon baby sis. Live a little, please! We need to get you outta your apartment!"

"Ay dios mío hermana! Esta bien, voy a ir contigo." (Oh my god sister! Fine, I'll go with you!) I say in fluent Spanish, my sister's and I all learned Spanish from our Mother.

"Bueno! Voy a llagar a su casa en viente!" (Good! I'll be at your house in 20!) She hangs up and I sigh. I really don't wanna go, but I know they'll see it as a type of betrayal if I DON'T go.

I walk to my closet and pull out a 3 quarter sleeve, off-the-shoulder, dark red dress. I love yellow but red's also nice sometimes too. I put on a bit of makeup on my face, and then my arms, to cover up my cuts. Okay, I'm ready.

Suddenly, I hear the door open, and in walks Angie.

"Hey, Angie. You picking me up?" I ask. She nods and smiles.

"Lizzy's in the car waiting, now let's get out of this dump." I cross my arms and huff. As we're walking down the stairs, I try to defend my small apartment as best I can. The keyword being try.

"Sister, you can try to defend your sad, small apartment but even the great Peggy can't perform miracles." She says irritation in her voice.

I begin to wave my arms around and the front door to the complex opens up for us. My oldest sister looks at me vaguely surprised. I give her a pointed look.

"Okay, maybe you can." She responds with mild amusement. I laugh at this and get in the car.

~Time Skip~

When we reach the party, the music's blasting so loud, I can barely hear myself think, much less talk to anyone. I sigh and look to my side where Eliza is.

Er, at least where she WAS. I can now see her near the back making out with her boyfriend Alex. I groan and roll my eyes. I try to look for Angie but I can see her doing shots at the bar with her guy friends. I shake my head and carefully make my way around the people dancing and drunkenly yelling at each other.

'Havana' starts playing and I smile. Well, at least there's a good song. This guy who's at least 3 or 4 years older than me comes up to me.

"Ya wanna dance?" He asks, his speech a bit slurred. I look around trying to catch my sisters' eyes, I shrug defeatedly when I don't succeed.

"Sure." He leads me out to the dance floor and we begin dancing. I somehow get a few drinks in my system, so by the 4th song, I'm a bit tipsy.

My dance partner pushed me against a wall. I can feel his hand slipping higher and higher up my dress while I'm trying, unsuccessfully, to get him off.

"Get off!" I yell loudly over and over again, even though I know no one's gonna help me. 

A/N: Hey, welcome to Scars, written by Rea and Nala. The cover is done by the awesome @/ Koi_Fishes. 

I, Rea, wrote this chapter, and it's by far the longest chapter I've ever written. I really hope you enjoy this book!  

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