We Meet Again

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I woke up to my roommate, Lafayette blaring French music. I sighed, stuffing a pillow over my face. As much as I appreciate him, Laf's music taste so early in the morning isn't the best thing to start your day off. Wait what time is it? I thought, sitting up. I checked my phone. 9:45 am. Huh, I probably should've woken up anyway.

With that, I put on some less pajama-y clothes and washed up. After I was ready for this (probably unproductive) Saturday, I stepped into the main living area, where Laf was cooking something in the kitchen.

"Bonjour, mon ami!" He says, giving me a smile. I smiled back, rubbing my eyes.

"Alexa, what's today's date?" I asked the AI thing on the kitchen counter. Her light lit up as she answered.

"Today's date is November 1st." she said in her robot voice. I felt my heart clench, Laf eyeing me.

"Are you going to be ok?" He asked, giving me a plate of French toast.

"Yeah, I'll be fine," I muttered, grabbing syrup from the counter. Today marked one year of having two hearts broken in the same day. A year ago today my best friend (and I mean BEST FRIEND since diapers) and I argued. Fought, was more like it. She tried to tell me that my girlfriend was cheating, and that she wasn't a good person. I didn't believe her. I yelled at her and she yelled some things at me. Then I left, slamming the door just because I know she hates it. I got home to Martha, my girlfriend at the time in our bed with some other dude.

I sighed, just remembering that day. My phone lit up with a notification.

*Peggy is typing...*

"Huh?" I accidentally said out loud. It's been a whole year since we've talked! Why is she texting me now? I clicked the notification, seeing Peggy's Bitmoji icon typing. I held my breath, waiting for an answer.

Nothing. The icon went away. Then I got the notification that She blocked my snap. She already blocked my number! I thought, sighing. I plopped down face first on our leather couch. I hate this day.

"You know, mon ami, you should get back out there," Laf said. I heard him sitting in the armchair diagonal from the couch.

"Yeah, no." I mumbled. My phone buzzed again.

Peggy: Hi. It's Peggy. I know you don't wanna talk to me, nor do you care about me anymore, but I'm not doing well. I've hit rock bottom, i might not be here much longer and this is just...I dunno. Just letting you know.

"What?!" I shouted, catching Laf's attention.

"What happened mon ami?"

"N-nothing." I stutterd, my hands shaking.

"Mon ami. It's obviously something." Laf said. I sighed and send a text back.

John: I'm sorry.

I'm glad I didn't expect a text back because I didn't get one.

Laf and I sat there for Another 30 minutes just because we were bored. I was starting to get worried about Peggy. I mean was the text supposed to be a suicide note?! I can't even remember the last thing I said to her. Probably something along the lines of, "I hate you, you're just jealous." Or something. I hate myself. Laf finally started playing music that wasn't in French, so we vibed to music.

At least we were, until Heartbreak Anniversary came on. Don't you hate it when a song describes your life? I sighed, stuffing my face in a pillow.

Scarsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें