𝙏𝙧𝙖𝙞𝙣 𝙎𝙩𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣 𝙋𝙏. 1

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The dark void.
Walking into nothing but the black abyss,
Cold, Lonely, and Not A Thing in sight.
But still, I kept walking forward.
Soon the darkness started to slowly fade into a hallway, or more into a Train Station.
Many figures walked in and out of the Station, some into the Train and some out.

They began pushing and shoving past me, causing me to be lack behind the crowd.
"Don't just let them do that, Push Back!"
A voice spoke to me, a familiar one.
Unconsciously I forced my way to the train, pushing off people and sometimes shoving them to the ground.

Finally making it to the Train's Door, I noticed a small detail that was so unreal.
Almost everything was Grey, Black, and White. The people around me were black smudges, it's like they're nothing but a puppet.
A puppet tied to a string and, being used like nothing.

"Why are you just standing there? Get in the train before it leaves."
The voice was back, instead it came from behind me. Turning around a man stood in the train, using one hand to hold the bar above him While the other in his shredded uniform.
Walking in quietly he only smiled, looking at me like nothing was wrong.

"New Here?"
He questioned, his head slightly tilted with curiosity.

"I guess you can say that."
The response seemed to satisfy him, being that he only nodded and carried the conversation.

"The Names WilburSoot, but Wilbur is fine."
The hand that was once in his pocket was now held out infront of me, I gripped his hand
Giving it a small shake

"Dream. That's my name."
I Pulled my hand back into my hoodies pocket. The train starts and send a small impact
Before going forward into the dark tunnel.
The seats filled with the same figures,
Doing normal human things.
One their phone, looking off somewhere, some asleep, some stood beside me and Wilbur, and even 1 women figure holding a baby.

"Where is this Train heading?.."
I stood beside Wilbur, the rest of the seats were taken and standing wasn't so bad.
Wilbur looked over with his Ghostly eyes, seemed almost brown but was whited out by death itself.

"You'll see."
Wilbur looked back, as a small trail of blood seeped from his lips. Falling down from his chin and all the way down to the cold floor.
The train seem to keep going on and on,
A never ending trip.

"I'm confused."
I said quietly, looking down at my hands and clothes. Dry blood ran across on my hands, hoodie, pant and even my face.
My lifeless hands eyes slight grey but still had a small tint of flesh.

"How Come?"
Wilbur quirked his eyebrow at me, he seemed interested of what I was gonna say.

"Why am I here— Where am I?"
I began to panic and tremble, I don't know anything that happened to me. I can't remember.

"How are you and I the only ones that seem— a bit alive, wait"
Both of my hands were in front of me fear started to take over me,
"who are.. you, and what happened to you.."
My eyes moved down from His face to his shredded clothes and stab wound.

"Calm down, you'll make them upset."
Wilbur grabbed my shoulder with his cold hands, and darted his eyes around the figures. Who seemed to be looking at us angry, despite the lack of their Features it was obvious.

"You know me Dream. You just don't remember, besides."
His grip loosened on my shoulder and slipped it back in his pocket. He looked at me with his crooked thin glasses, that laid on his nose.

"I'm just your guide."
He moved his head back towards the window, which seemed nothing more then darkness.

Trying to keep my mind off of things I looked around more, and noticed more things. Him and I were one of the people that
were slightly colored.

Wilburs shredded coat colored with a grayish blue, and my dirty dead green hoodie.
It seemed that blood was the only color that shined the brightest out of this place.

The color of blood seem to suit this
Ghost Train.

725 Words

Hoped you enjoy, this book will be interesting to write.

The afterlife isn't bad, you know?

【 𝙎𝙪𝙗𝙬𝙖𝙮 𝙁𝙤𝙧 𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝘿𝙚𝙖𝙙  】DreamSMP.Where stories live. Discover now