Zombie Blaster

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She picks up and answer my call. I say hi and she does the same. We start talking about our parents,but then she start talking about her brothers and sisters. She talks about how her brother was in the army and taught her how to fight. She ask me how is my life right now but I'm not sure if I should tell her the truth. I tell her It's normal and that there's nothing weird about it. I ask her to go hang out with me in a arcade. She said yes and she'll be there. I meet her the next day at the arcade. We start playing games and having a blast. There this one game that Destiny and Me loved. It was Zombie blaster and you could make weapons out of things you find. Destiny made a baseball bat that had a knife at the bottom. Then this guy tap on my shoulder and said to me lets go or the girl dies. Then I saw Destiny pressing buttons on the game. I didn't want to put her in my problems so I told the man that I will go if I could tell Destiny bye. He said I can so I walk over there and told her to get behind the game when I say three. I went to the man and said I'm ready to go. Then I shouted 3! Destiny got behind the game then I created a gun. I shot at him but missed. I didn't know how to shoot a gun.

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