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Harry was about to nod and take the bag of Lays chips Louis was offering him until he remembered last night.

"No thank you." He sighed.

"Okay, suit yourself." Louis shrugged, opening the bag himself and throwing a chip into his mouth.

"What's your mission for today?" He asked quite messily through his mouthful.

"Same as yesterday. Make it through the day safely."

Louis could tell something was off with Harry. He had only known him for one day, but this day he seemed so dull and quiet in comparison to yesterday's excited and exhilarated Harry. He had no idea what changed but he didn't like it.

"Are you sure you don't want chips?" He held his hand out with a single chip in between his pointer finger and thumb, trying to cheer him up. Usually food always cheered Louis up but Harry wasn't like that apparently.

"I'm fine Louis." Harry mumbled so quietly as he turned himself towards the window so his back was angled more towards Louis, completely shutting him out. Louis frowned as he held the chip out for Harry. He didn't know what to do so he just turned back forward and continued to eat his chips. That was how the rest of the bus ride played out.

It wasn't until they were back on the bus and Louis plopped himself down next to Harry again that Harry seemed to have cheered up. Maybe time was all he needed. Maybe he had just "woken up on the wrong side of the bed" like Louis' mom had said many times before about Louis when he was a little cranky. Whatever the reason was, it seemed to have dispersed by their bus ride home. Harry looked over to his right side where Louis sat fiddling with his thumbs, unsure of how Harry was feeling.

"How was your day, Louis?" He asked, turning himself completely towards Louis and pulling one of his legs onto the bench seat so his knee was pushing against Louis' thigh.

Louis liked the sounds of Harry's voice when he was happy so he turned himself as well and answered Harry's question, a smile forming on his face. "It was good, I played soccer at recess!" He answered ecstatically.

"How come I never see you at recess? Don't we have it at the same time?" Harry asked, titling his head.

"I think so. I'm always out on the soccer field so you can probably find me there. We can play together." Louis smiled with his half filled mouth of teeth.

"Okay! I'll look for you tomorrow!" Harry smiled back. He hadn't quite started to lose any teeth yet. He had one wiggly tooth on his top front row but he was too scared to pull it out.

"Actually, do you wanna have a play date before that?" Louis asked excitedly, leaning in closer to Harry and smiling impossibly wider.

"I can ask my mom! You could come over today if she says yes!" Harry began to match Louis' elevated energy. "Don't you live pretty close?"

Louis nodded, "I think so."

"So you could get off at my stop and come in with me so I can ask my mom and if I can't have a playdate, we can walk you back to your house." Harry was practically dancing in his seat at the idea.

"Yeah! And my mom will say yes too, don't worry!" Louis matched Harry's energy.

Both boys were ecstatic as they calmed themselves down, waiting for their stop where they would both go and ask Harry's mom about hanging out.

It was a quick ride and seemed to pass impossibly fast as suddenly both boys were running out of the bus and going to find Anne who was waiting just inside the house.

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