~Y/n's pov~
five was exhausted yesterday, after fighting crimes with his brothers the boy just needed some sleep.
I was downstairs in the kitchen cooking breakfast, Until I hear five yelling my name from upstairs. I put the eggs and bacon on a plate and head upstairs to five's bedroom to see him awake sitting on the bed looking everywhere trying to find me. I smiled, and went over to him, he saw me and gave me a big smile while his eyes were still half closed.
He sat up and hugged me in the waist and his head on my chest. I hugged him and rubbed his back "Hi bubba, good morning" He didn't say it back. Instead he just made grumpy noises, which made me chuckle. I knew exactly what he wanted. He wanted to be babied "Is my little baby hungry?" I ask, I felt him nod and giggle which made me laugh a bit "Alright come on lets go then"
I gave him a plate of nuggets and a cup of coffee, he looked at me with a pout "Yes sweetheart?" I ask "Can you make me pancakes too? I want the one with a smiley face on it" I chuckle at him "Sure sweetie"
"Y/nnnnnnnn!!!" Five whined, I went over to him with a smile on my face "Yes bubba?" He sat on the bed and pouted at me "Im cold. And I want cuddles!!" He whines, I chuckle for a moment and layed beside him.
He put's his head on my chest while poking my stomach, making me giggle. He turned to me with a bright smile on his face "I love you princess"
"I love you too bubba"
I was on the bed reading a harry potter book, I think ive been reading for atleast 2 hours straight. I haven't given any attention to five since im too distracted with the book. The door burst open to reveal a pouting five covered in blood.
He came over to me and put his head on my lap and looked at me, I closed the book and furrow my eyebrow at five.
He smile innocently which made me more curious "What did you do?" I sticked to the point "No, 'hi bubba' or 'how are you five?' ?" He says, I glared at him "Five, tell me what you did" He sigh of defeat.
"I might of might not killed someone......" My eyes widen "Bubba! I told you no more killing!" He gave me his cutest pout "I wont do it again!! I promise! But can you run me a bath? I feel icky"
I took a deep breath and nodded "Sure bubba"
After his bath I gave him his clothes and combed his hair putting it on the side. We both end up in bed cuddling and me giving him endless kisses.
He smiled at me and I poked his dimples which made him giggle. I was about thirsty so I was gonna grab a drink before five stopped me "Nooo stay!!" He gave me his cutest pout which he knew I couldn't resist "Im just gonna go grab a drink five"
"Five more minutes?" He baby voiced which made me chuckle "Sure bubba"

Aidan Gallagher//Five Hargreeves Imagines
FanfictionI promise if you keep reading my grammar will get better :3 requests:close Finished:💚 Made by:apricot hargreeves ************* If you're fan of noah schnapp go check out my noah schnapp imagines too!💞✨🦋 If you like my imagines you are officially...