~y/n's pov~
I was just sitting in the couch silent while aidan and ayla laughing and trinity was listening to their conversation.Me and aidan used to be close and sometimes we hang out with trinity but one day trinity brought a friend when we where gonna hang out which was coincidentally a fan of aidan,Ayla.Now he's been hanging out with her for almost everyday did everything together with her laughed with her i was just..Well a shadow i barely hang out with aidan anymore but when i do have the time to hang out with aidan ayla would always tag along
"Y/n? Y/n!" Aidan yelled i snapped back to reality and saw him and the others staring at me "You didn't greet them a welcome" he said pointing at cameron,dante,eden,tj,blake,and ethan "oh sorry I zoned out" walked over to them hugging each one then tj whispered to my ear "Are you ok?" I looked at her with horror face like i have been tortured or something eventually eden noticed and grabbed both of our hands and signalling trinity to come to
We went outside sat on the near bench and talked "y/n what's wrong?" Trinity asked "I-I feel like he doesn't wanna hang out with me anymore.." i cried "Oh y/n is this about ayla?" I nodded "Are you jealous y/n?" Tj gasped "Why would i be jealous? We are just friends..Nothing else.."
"Thats not with the red tint on your cheek said when you where hanging out with aidan before he was hanging out with ayla" eden said "Fine mabye but..I just..Haven't thought of it that way..I mean we do lives and always gets questions if we are dating the answer is always a 'no' and 'we are just friends'" i sighed "Then tell him!" Trinity said "No way he doesn't like me" "who cares? If he doesn't he is a total prick atleast you could get those feelings off of your chest" eden said "If he rejects you we will leave that house right now and hang out you deserve better" tj smiled i nodded "ill go get aidan" trinity said walking in the house
Couple of seconds later aidan came out and sat next to me "What's wrong?" "Aidan..You know you're my best friend right?" He nodded "i-i...Developed feelings for you.." i looked at him and he was shock "im sorry for not telling you" i whispered c "i-im sorry y/n i dont like you" i nodded slighty trying not to cry i cant why did i even had the confidence to even confess i was so stupid and my heart is breaking "its ok aidan..I understand..You should go now ill stay her for a while" i tried not to cry soon enough aidan walked back to the house and my friend probably saw me crying
"Oh y/n..C'mon he is a waste of time he doesn't deserve you..Lets just go somewhere else" tj smiled at me and sat next to me including trinity and eden "Ill go get our stuff" eden walked out and went to go grab our bags and other stuff "Lets call an uber mabye we can go to starbucks or something to keep your mind off of things" trinity suggested i nodded lightly "girl you just read my mind i wanted coffee since the day i stepped into that house" tj pointed at aidans house we all laughed
~Eden's pov~
I can't believe aidan would do such a thing i mean y/n is an amazing person and he just rejected her!? Wtf is wrong with this guy!? Tbh i was so mad at aidan and how not because he just friendzoned her but because he just replaced her with that ayla girl i walked into the house and went to the living room and saw everyone staring at me i scoffed "Hey eden! Where are the others?" Blake asked "We are going now..." i said grabbing all of the girls and my bag "what where? We just got here" dante said complaining "well you guys could stay here with aidan me and the girls are just gonna go" before they could say nor asked anything else i stormed out of the house and went to the bench where y/n,tj and trinity where sitting i smiled at them and we all walked far away from that house and waited for the uber to arrive
~11 months later~ y/n's pov
Me and aidan haven't communicated in about a solid 11 months i knew he was now dating ayla did I mention i had an interview today with the other TUA cast members because we just launched a new season of the umbrella academy now it was different the fans wanted the young cast members to be interviewed and not the grown ups but it still included me and aidan..Wow no shit i have to see him again i mean its been 11 months since we launched the new season and 11 months since i have sawn aidan i have been interviewed well alone..But sometimes with eden or tj we have never been interviewed with the all of us for a solid 11 months the last time we where all interviewed together was when ayla didn't exist in our lives back then now..It was different...
I was sitting in the van and have arrived at the building with hundreds of fans taking pictures with me and autographs i smiled at them took pictures and signed their papers i went inside the building and i was now called to be at the stage i saw the others including aidan i looked at the fans who was cheering for me i smiled and waved at them and sat next to tj "Ok! Now that everyone is here we will ask some questions that the fans have commented on our tweet we picked a couple but lots of them are for aidan and y/n" my smile faded i looked down at the floor "First question..Aidan are you still in a relationship with that ayla girl?" She asked aidan looked at me and smiled i just turned away looking at the fans to get me distracted"Well no we have decided that we should break up and see other people and plus..Me and ayla talked about this and I confessed to her i had feelings for someone else" huh whoever that girl is she must be lucky i thought to myself "Thats some juicy tea mr aidan"
"Now a question to ms y/n" "ask away" "y/n do you have feelings for someone?" I smiled and laughed looking at my fans "out of all the things you guys could've asked that was the question?" The fans laughed "sad to say that i dont have feelings for anyone" i smiled weakly someone yelled at the crowd "Aidan do you like y/n!?" The girl yelled and the crowd was cheering telling us that we should be together and then another fan yelled "Get together already we have been waiting forever!!!!" Me and the cast members laughed "Guys i have no intention of being together with aidan" i said
I could see aidan was looking at me with a small frown but he smiled again and looked back at the fans with the mic close to his lips about to say something "Well that isn't a problem for me i could give you guys what you want since you guys make me Happy everyday i wish i could make your wish come true but looks like ms y/n here doesn't have feelings for me anymore" he smirked at me i frowned another one yelled from the crowd "Y/n!!! Kiss aidan!! I dare you!!!" A girl yelled the crowd cheered louder and yelled 'kiss him! Kiss him!' I laughed "i mean that's not a problem for me" aidan yelled the crowd was practically screaming i love my fans and that's not a problem for aidan so..."Fine! Ill give you guys what you wants JUST this once!" I said chuckling the crowd was all cheering i went to the other side of the stage where aidan was and sat next to him
I was about to kiss his cheek but he turned his head to me and we kissed on the lips that lasted for a second my eyes where wide and shocked my mouth was wide open and the other cast members laughed at us aidan smiled at me and the fans all cheered of happiness "YALL WANT ONE MORE!!!???" Aidan yelled and they all scream yes aidan chuckled and looked at me with a smiled "C'mon y/n its almost christmas lets give the fans what they want" he said i was speechless
Now at this point i just sighed and peck aidan's cheek aidan looked back at me and his smile grew even wider i scoffed he grabbed my waist pulled me closer to him kissing my forehead the fans all cheered i smiled "Ahh now theres a real smile i was looking for" he said chuckling i just laughed he looked at the fans "And for to answer the question earlier if i had feelings for y/n Yes.I rejected her months ago because i pushed my feelings aside now that me and y/n weren't talking I realized how i miss her and how i wanted to hug her she's my princess and only my princess" the fans awed and someone yelled
"Y/n! Ill ask this again and again until i get the answer i want but PLEASE TELL US YOU LIKE AIDAN" the fans all screamed their lungs begging that i need to tell the truth,I looked at aidan who was hungry for the answer and so was everyone else it was silent and everyone was waiting for my answer i sighed trying to look disappointed as i can so i can pretend the answer is no "Sorry guys.."
aidan looked at me with hurt in his eyes he was about to cry now i feel bad,a single drop of tear fell running down his cheek his hands was still in my waist holding me i put his face into my neck and he somehow liked it and burried his face into the crook of my neck i looked at the fans and smiled "im kidding guys! I do like aidan!!" I yelled the fans sighed in relief and all cheered i laughed and looked at aidan who had his face burried into my neck i kissed his head putting one hand into his head and one hand on his back rubbing his back "I love you princess" he mumbled "Love you too aidy"
Yall i worked so hard on this,this is probably one of my favorites so far i put so much effort in this i hope yall like this too!!!!! I love the ending and ill try to make more imagines! Also i changed my name username to apricot hargreeves!!!
-Love Apri hargreeves

Aidan Gallagher//Five Hargreeves Imagines
FanfictionI promise if you keep reading my grammar will get better :3 requests:close Finished:💚 Made by:apricot hargreeves ************* If you're fan of noah schnapp go check out my noah schnapp imagines too!💞✨🦋 If you like my imagines you are officially...