Meeting Him Again

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Y/N woke up in the middle of the night to a thud on her bedroom roof. Fearing that whoever was up there would wake up her dad, and he would take it out on her, she crawled onto the fire escape and began her climb to the top. When she reached the top she was expecting to see some teenage parkcore stunt daredevils up there. What she got instead, was a fuming mutant turtle with a red mask. It was the same turtle that saved her a few weeks ago! What was his name? Robie? Richard? Roberto? Raph? Raph! That was it! Now to try to get him away from her apartment building.

"Um e-excuse me. Could you maybe go to a different building? I-I-I don't want my dad to get woken up." Y/N stammered nervously.

Raph whipped his head toward her so fast that Y/N was certain he had given himself whiplash.

"Why don't you mind your own business, girl!" He shouted at her but immediately sighed and apologized. "Sorry, Y/N wasn't it?"

She nodded quietly.

"Sorry, Y/N, I just got into a fight with one of my brothers. I didn't mean to take my anger out on you. I'll be leaving now, good bye." Raph said.

Y/N looked down at her bare feet then back up to Raph.

"What were you two fighting about?" She asked quietly.

Raph sighed. "You really wanna hear about my problems?"

Y/N just nodded her head yes.

Raphael sighed again. "He poured a bucket of paint all over my bike.

Y/N just made a small "oh" sound and looked down at her feet suddenly finding them very interesting.

"What are you doing up anyway? Its almost 1:30 in the morning. Shouldn't you be asleep?" Questioned Raph.

"I heard a thud on my roof and didnt want my dad to wake up." Replied Y/N.

Raph made a noise of realization. He looked back at Y/N and bid her good night.

*DISCONTINUED* TMNT 2014-2016 Boyfriend Scenarios: Raphael Where stories live. Discover now