Dedication To The Reader.

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Oh happy day, upon the realisation as obvious as the cross
All suffering faces decay, even when to you it seems long and cross
Laughter is best medicine indeed, eases pain for those in need
For the creator is not only your shield and armour
But gives you weaponry of Love and humour
So that nights are less dark, the trials are less stark
So that in smiles we find courage to see us through
And the tribulations leaves us eternally shrewd

It is in the greatest isolation we find unlikely solace
For in the greatest depths of meditation is borne a comrade
Unbending truth and unyielding will like a magnificent Lion
Cast upon the Promised Land Zion with the strength of iron
The silent voice that offers wise old counsel like a sage
A voice often ignored due to youthful impatient rage
The light within that is ever present and full of Love
That's speaks of your heart's peace like a white dove

The Truth is wise and piercing in its intent,
Not to foment chaos but bring justice in the end
To give voice to the voiceless and honour to the dishonoured
To bring Loves vibrancy to those whose hearts seek peace and less disturbance
To bring a warm embrace to those feeling neglected
For the real gems in life are always found amongst the rejected
Surprise, creatures of Love evermore, no more jeers from your peers
Arise, children you are no more, the Good News is here. 


-Qareem Knight


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