Chapter 31

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HEYYYYYYYYYYYY LOOOOKKKK----------------make sure to comment whether you think alex and corbyn should stay together or what boy she should end up with!!


A: do you wanna spend the day with me?

Chris: really?!? Ive been bored out of my mind!! Thank you. Lets go. I'm tired of being in my room.

                                                                              We continue...

* you  and Chris get ready to leave and spend the day together. first you start by getting coffee then go thrift shopping. You guys mess around and have a fashion show and find the perfect pieces of clothing for both of your styles. after that you go record shopping. you Chris some new records and got out to eat. *

                                                                            + Chris' POV +

im so glad that my mom married alex's dad. i always wished i had siblings my age so i could be close with them. alex has become one of my closest friends but im still nervous to come out to her and the rest of the family... oh no. he's here. what do i do. what do i do!!!???

                                                                                    end of POV            

* chris sinks into the booth you guys are eating aat and tries to make sure he is hidden*

A: why are you hiding?

Chris: SHHHHHHH!!!!

A: sorry, * whispers * why are you hiding?

Chris: its just some guy over there, he used to bully me at my old school.

A: which one? ill beat his ass.

Chris: * sits you back down* its fine alex. as long as he doesn't see me.

*as time passes by you see him and his friends get ready to leave and Chris sits back up again but then the guy turns and sees him. he walks over and starts talking*

??: well look who we have here. Little Chris and his friend. hi im darren, nice to meet ya.

* he holds out his hand for you to shake but you just look at him with a dirty look*

A: is this him, Chris?

Chris: yeah

Darren: Did Chris already whine to you about his life at his old school, yeah no wonder you had to move away. no one liked you Haha.

A: Actually, that seems to be the reason you left because you certainly don't have a likeable personality.

Darren: you better watch it Missy before i-

* he gets cut off by jack. *

J: or you'll what?

* you invited jack to come hang out with you and Chris because he wanted to be friends with jack since he first met him.*

Darren: mind your business, anyway ill see you around chris, and next time they won't be here to defend you. You should be ashamed.

A: you better hope we don't see you again or else ima mess you up. you wanna go? cause we can fight! YOU HEAR ME?!?!

chris: its fine alex, calm down.

A: its not fine. you shouldn't put up with that crap.

J: yeah alex is right, and why was he saying that you should be ashamed?

* oh no. i dont know if i should come out. im scared but i trust alex.*

Chris: well, i used to be good friends with him when we were younger but after a while i started to realize and sorta accept who i am. i realized that i liked him. he didn't take the news so well and almost outed me to my entire school and my family but i was kinda able to convince him to just forget about it. but then he started to bully me. so yeah, now you know! im Bisexual...

A:im so sorry that happened chris. im glad that you were able to accept who you are instead of pushing it away and denying it. im mainly glad that you're okay. bullling can ear you down so much and im sorry you had to deal with it, especially from someone you were closest to.

J: yeah and don't listen to him. you should never be ashamed for loving who you love and being who you are.

A: Yup :D

Chris: im so glad. i thought you guys would react like he did and push me away. what do you think out parents will think alex?

A: im sure that it might take some time but they love you and nothing could ever change that. just tell them when you feel ready. :)

* you spend rest of the day at the fair with jack and chris. after a while you let them hang out alone and go home. you wait for corbyn to call you to tell you he's coming to pick you up but he never does..*

to be continued...

A/N: HI LOVES!! i hope you all are doing well and that you are all safe! this pandemic thing is super annoying but lets power through it and be as cautious and clean as we can. we dont wanna spread or catch it! thank you so much for 13+k reads!!! im so glad people enjoy reading this. REMEMBER: STAY SAFE, LOVE YOURSELVES, LOVE OTHERS, AND ALWAYS REMEMBER TO MAKE THE MOST OF EVERYDAY!! also thank you to those who vote on chapters, add this story to your lists, or recommend it to friends!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2021 ⏰

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